who we are

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Funding, transparency and good practices[editar]

Transparency is one of our guiding principles. We publicise our actions, results, economic resources and our funding sources and we have been awarded quality, transparency and best practice accreditations.

An efficient and responsible management of our resources

We manage ESF operational programmes representing almost 30% of our funding.

14.04% of our funding comes from the funds for social interest activities collected through the Spanish income tax declarations.

13.29% of our income comes from our supporting organisations and partner companies.

We put the resources we receive to ethical, transparent and efficient use.


The FSG accounts are audited every year by one of the main auditing companies of our country. In the last three years, our accounts have been audited by EY, formerly Ernst & Young.

The audited accounts and the economic and activity report are sent annually to the Protectorate of Foundations, as required by the Foundations Act (Ley 50/2002, de 26 de diciembre).

The full audit report of our financial statements, issued by EY, and all other financial information is available at: https://www.gitanos.org/quienes_somos/financiacion_transparencia.html.es


The FSG has a Management System for all its relevant processes: administrative, purchase, accounting, budget and project management, certified by AENOR in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2008 standard.

In addition, the FSG has a Department of Internal Control of Management Systems from which, among other functions, an annual internal audit is carried out, the report of which is sent to the management and to the patronage of the Foundation.

Transparency audit

Since 2002, FSG has undergone a Transparency and Good Practices analysis carried out by Fundación Lealtad and has been awarded the NGO Accreditation Stamp that certifies that FSG fully complies with the nine Principles of Transparency and Good Practice.

This accreditation offers donors a clear and simple way of identifying NGOs that fulfil current requirements relating to transparency and efficient management. It allows donors to know that the FSG concentrates its efforts in areas in which it has experience; that its communications are trustworthy and not misleading; and that information is available regarding the proportion of its costs resulting directly from its work.  

See reports on transparency and good practices of the FSG at Fundación Lealtad.


Our main programmes, Acceder and Promociona, which are financed by the European Social Fund, are subject to a systematic process of verification of the eligibility and application of expenditure.

Each year, the General Intervention Board of the State Administration (IGAE ) establishes a plan to control operations (including those relating to these major programmes) and issues its Report to the European Commission.

Programmes funded through state income taxes (IRPF) are also subject to control of IGAE. And in general all the public funding received by the FSG is subject to the interventions of the different granting administrations (local, autonomous, national or European).

Furthermore in 2015 the FSG took part in a management audit conducted by the European Court of Auditors with the aim of measuring the impact of our programmes financed by European funds.


Since 2014, the FSG has been registered on the website of the Transparency Register of the European Union (EU).


On 14 December 2015, the Board of Directors approved a Code of Good Governance of the FSG, inspired by the main national and international recommendations in this area for non-profit organizations.