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Oferta de trabajo para recién licenciados de la Fundación Open Society [editar]

17 de Marzo de 2014


Propósito del puesto

El puesto ofertado se entiende como una oportunidad de capacitación en el trabajo para un recién licenciado universitario que este interesado en las diferentes áreas de trabajo sin fin lucrativo y en particular en el campo de la integración de la población Roma. El alumnado tendrá la posibilidad de participar en todas las áreas de trabajo de la Oficina de Iniciativas Roma (RIO).


Contrato temporal por doce meses.

Labores esenciales y responsabilidades

-          Gestión de subvenciones:

  • Colaborar en recogida de datos y análisis relacionados con la concesión de subvenciones de la Oficina (RIO).
  • Ayudar en la gestión de subvenciones en las bases de datos y sistemas de la Open Society
  • Revisar informes en papel, labores de archivo, escaneo, etc
  • Recopilación de los datos necesarios para la evaluación del progreso de la Oficina
  • Proporcionar apoyo para la visualización de datos (gráficos, mapas, etc).

-          Investigación:

  • Proporcionar apoyo a la investigación para el personal RIO (es decir, la investigación sobre cómo otros donantes incorporan la perspectiva de género y de juventud en sus prácticas de financiación)
  • Investigación específica de cada país
  • Búsqueda en Internet para los materiales necesarios de apoyo que RIO tenga que compartir con los concesionarios (planificación de actividades de promoción, evaluación, desarrollo organizacional).


  • Prestar apoyo en la organización de eventos
  • Seleccionar y agrupar facturas del personal
  • Proporcionar apoyo en la distribución de publicaciones
  • Editar traducciones, dependiendo del país de origen y las lenguas conocidas por el aprendiz.
  • Actividades de archivo



  • Como mínimo titulo de graduado en ciencias sociales, política, derecho o campos relacionados.
  • Los solicitantes deben demostrar interés y compromiso con la promoción de los derechos humanos
  • El conocimiento de las organizaciones no gubernamentales y redes activas en el campo


Habilidades Requeridas:

  •   Habilidades en el campo de investigación, análisis y redacción
  •   Persona trabajadora, que sepa trabajar en equipo, capacidad resolutiva individual y conjuntamente.
  •   Habilidades de organización, de resolución de problemas, etc
  •   Excelentes habilidades de comunicación con sensibilidad a las diferencias culturales de comunicación
  •   Capacidad de colaboración con colegas, beneficiarios y público en general
  •   El conocimiento de la lengua romaní y otras lenguas en las que trabaja la Oficina RIO es una ventaja


Compensación económica:

El alumno recibirá una compensación económica durante el periodo en prácticas


Fecha de inicio: lo antes posible


Instrucciones para el envío de solicitudes:

Las solicitudes deben enviarse en inglés, incluyendo una carta de presentación y un curriculum vitae a

Se ha de incluir en la línea de asunto el siguiente código de trabajo: RIO Trainee


Fecha límite de inscripción: 31 de marzo de 2014


Andy Haupert

Information Officer

Roma Initiatives Office &

OSI-Budapest Executive Office
Október 6. u. 12.

1051 Budapest


Tel. +361-882-3222

Fax. + 361-883-3106








The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to criticism, whose laws and policies are open to debate and correction, and whose political institutions are open to the participation of all people. We seek to strengthen justice and the rule of law; broaden respect for human rights, including the rights of minorities; encourage pluralism and a robust diversity of opinion; deepen democratic practice and participation; expand economic equity; support effective governance; and invest in individuals, public and private organizations, and social movements that advance these goals.

We are a global network of foundations committed to local knowledge and national expertise. Our network includes national foundations, regional foundations, and other geographic programs operating in more than one hundred countries. At the same time, many programs with global reach operate from our four headquarters in Europe and the United States, including programs on digital information, documentary photography, drug policy, early childhood, education, fellowships, fiscal governance, higher education, human rights, international migration, justice, public health, scholarships, think tanks, women’s rights, and independent journalism. Still other programs advance our special commitment to Roma communities. In addition to making grants to organizations and individuals, the Open Society Foundations engage in policy advocacy, legal advocacy and litigation, program-related investing, and public communications, as well as providing direct assistance to governments. Most programs and foundations in the network are governed or advised by their own boards.

The Open Society Foundations are the global philanthropies of George Soros, who, as chairman, plays an active role in the work of the foundations.

The Foundations are the major nongovernmental supporter of efforts to improve the economic and social inclusion of Roma in Central and South Eastern Europe. Over the past two decades, our Roma-related programs have worked on a wide range of issues, including equal access to quality education, women’s empowerment and gender equity, public health, civic and political participation, media access and development of Roma media, promoting tolerance, cultural diversity, and challenging anti-Roma prejudice.

The Roma Initiatives Office (RIO) provides support to civil society through three major programs: Barvalipe—richness or pride in the Romani language—supports the emergence of a confident new generation of Roma advocates capable of leading Roma organizations or working in EU institutions, international organizations, and national public service; Zoralipe—strength or power—supports the institutional growth of Roma organizations; and Paruvipe—change—supports advocacy campaigns aimed at influencing public decision-making and service delivery.

Purpose of the Position

The Trainee position is envisioned as an on-job training opportunity for a recent university graduate who is interested in different areas of not-for-profit work and particularly in the field of Roma inclusion. The Trainee will have a chance to be involved in all areas of RIO’s work, including everyday organizational aspects as well as programmatic work.

Length of the Position: fixed-term contract for 12 months

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Grants management

  1. Assist in data gathering and analysis related to RIO’s grant-making, including but not limited to collecting information about applicants and beneficiaries of RIO grants, collecting baseline data, and assisting the RIO surveys
  2. Assist RIO in managing grants in Open Society databases and systems
  3. Check hard copy reports to be archived; scan them and attach them to grant records
  4. Gather data needed for RIO’s assessment of progress
  5. Provide support for data visualization (charts, maps)



  1. Provide research support to RIO staff (i.e. research on how other donors incorporate the gender and youth perspectives into their funding practices)
  2. Country-specific research  (i.e. mapping of Roma and pro-Roma civil society; list of trainers and training institutions; experts; NGO laws; elections laws)
  3. Web search for support materials that RIO can share with grantees (i.e. advocacy planning, evaluation, organizational development)



  1. Provide support in organizing RIO events
  2. Select and group the invoices of RIO staff; find and attach relevant background documentation (travel approval form, business meal form); scan invoices and documents
  3. Provide support in distributing publications to RIO grantees and partners
  1. Edit translations, depending on the Trainee’s country of origin and languages known
  2. Assist in archiving, selecting, and boxing files, and entering data into the database of the Open Society Archives



  1. Minimum graduate degree in social sciences, policy, law or related fields
  2. Applicants should demonstrate interest and commitment to promoting human rights
  3. Knowledge of key Roma-led NGOs and networks active in the field


Skills Required

  1. Good research, analysis and drafting skills
  2. Dynamic self-starter and good team player, with an ability to work both independently and with others
  3. Strong organizational, analytical, research, and problem-solving skills as well as attention to detail
  4. Excellent communication skills with sensitivity to cultural communication differences
  5. Pleasant manner and ability to collaborate with colleagues at all levels, grantees, and the general public
  6. Complete fluency in English with excellent writing, editorial, and oral presentation skills
  7. Knowledge of Romani language and other languages where RIO works is a plus



The Trainee will receive a financial package for the duration of the traineeship.

Start Date: As soon as possible

Application Instructions

Please send applications in English, including a cover letter and curriculum vitae to Include this job code in the subject line: RIO Trainee.

Application deadline: March 31, 2014

What’s the difference between the right to vote and a free and fair vote? Ask Europe’s Roma

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Andy Haupert

Information Officer

Roma Initiatives Office &

OSI-Budapest Executive Office
Október 6. u. 12.

1051 Budapest


Tel. +361-882-3222

Fax. + 361-883-3106