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The FSG participates in the 15th European Platform for Roma Inclusion [editar]

FSG Internacional

The FSG participates in the 15th European Platform for Roma Inclusion

The FSG has participated in the 15th European Platform for Roma Inclusion organised by the European Commission in Prague on 25 and 26 October 2022, with the participation of institutions and organisations involved in the process of Roma inclusion.

This edition was held in Prague, Czech Republic, as it is the Member state holding the Presidency in the Council of the European Union during this semester.

The European Platform for Roma Inclusion brings together national governments, representatives of EU institutions and international organisations, as well as civil society organisations. It aims to stimulate cooperation and exchanges of experiences between different actors on successful policies and practices in relation to Roma inclusion.

This edition of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion focused on 3 main topics: national strategies and their degree of implementation, residential segregation and the use of EU funding for Roma equality, inclusion and participation. To this end, presentations and specific workshops were organised in an attempt to offer a complete and specific vision of the violation of essential rights (such as housing and education) suffered by the Roma population throughout Europe. The European Institutions and Member States expressed their political commitment to maintain Roma inclusion as one of the important objectives within the national political agendas of the Member States. Based on the reflections at operational and political level, this meeting aimed to contribute to setting the agenda for future steps in the process of Roma inclusion and for the next platform.

The FSG had the privilege to participate as a speaker in the workshop on the use of EU funding for Roma equality, inclusion and participation. The FSG also contributed sharing its experience and vision in working for equal conditions for the Roma community as technical secretariat in the EURoma Network, a European network to promote the use of Structural Funds to ensure the social inclusion of the Roma population.

All sessions of the Platform can be re-watched through the official website of the event