FSG welcomes the European Parliament condemnation of the French policy of expulsion of the Roma and rejects the inflexible reaction of the Sarkozy Government - Fundación Secretariado Gitano


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FSG welcomes the European Parliament condemnation of the French policy of expulsion of the Roma and rejects the inflexible reaction of the Sarkozy Government[editar]

10 de Septiembre de 2010
Fundación Secretarido Gitano

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The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) expresses its satisfaction to the clear message of the resolution of the European Parliament (EP) adopted in Strasbourg on the 9th of September (337 votes in favour and 245 against), which condemns the expulsions of Roma in France and assures that “such measures are in violation of the EU Treaties and EU law”, as the expulsions of European citizens “must be assessed and taken on an individual basis, taking into consideration personal circumstances”.

At the same time, the FSG wants to highlight its firm condemnation of the inflexible position of the Nicolas Sarkozy Government, which affirms that it will persist in its deportation of Roma and insists in its right to pursue racist and illegal policies, thereby questioning the legitimacy of EP resolutions.

We endorse the resolution adopted by the EP, and in particular its:

  • deep concern at the measures adopted by the French authorities and by other Member States targeting Roma, and calling on the European Commission (EC) and the Member State governments to intervene so that the French authorities stop illegal repatriations of Roma, and to fulfill the law and Treaties of the Union.
  • recalling that all EU citizens and their families have a right to free movement and residency in every EU Member State. The Roma are EU citizens with full rights.
  • concern at the inflammatory and openly discriminatory rhetoric that has characterised the political discourse of political authorities. It rejects all populist actions, such as those taken in France, which criminalise an ethnic minority (in this case the largest in Europe) looking for scapegoats instead of providing solutions.
  • Insistence on the need for the Commission, and in cooperation with Member States, to develop a comprehensive European Strategy for Roma Inclusion involving NGO.

The FSG strongly believes that now is the time to work for Roma inclusion and to put an end to expulsions. In this sense, and in agreement with the EP, we recall that there is a need to launch inclusion policies that guarantee the equal opportunities of Roma in education, housing, health and employment.

Therefore the FSG:

  • Calls on the governments of Member States to demand that the Sarkozy Government suspend all indiscriminate and collective expulsions.
  • Calls on the European Commission to be effective and diligent in the development of a real Strategy for Roma Inclusion on the basis of the 10 Common Basic Principles for Roma Inclusion – adopted by the European Council – and within the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy; and to take a firm and active position against those Member States that violate European laws and Treaties, and fail to respect the values and principles gathered in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
  • Urges European civil society in their entirety to join this explicit rejection of the measures taken by the French government and to express their solidarity with and commitment to the Roma population.