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El programa 'Acceder' de la FSG señalado como ejemplo de buena práctica en la revista 'Agenda Social' de la Comisión Europea

El programa 'Acceder' de la FSG señalado como ejemplo de buena práctica en la revista 'Agenda Social' de la Comisión Europea FSG 1 Empleo y Formación Profesional La revista Social Agenda (Agenda Social), una pub from loans worth a total of close to €50 million under the European Progress Microfinance Facility, according to the third annual report on this EU instrument. The report confirms that Progress Microfinance has significantly contributed to job creation. The report in tates' performance against best performers). The scoreboard would be integrated into the policy cycle through the Joint Employment Report (that identifies the key employment developments) and the implementation of the Employment Guidelines. Eventually, it would also f try-specific-recommendations/ 10 / SOCIAL AGENDA / NOVEMBER 2013 I NDUS T R IAL R E LATIONS Greening the economy: Social partners' activities at all levels, from European to local, is crucial for the successful transition towards a green economy. Social dialogue under Foc


La comunidad gitana continúa sufriendo en Europa “una discriminación intolerable” y un acceso a servicios básicos marcado por una fuerte desigualdad, según un estudio de la Agencia de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea

La comunidad gitana continúa sufriendo en Europa “una discriminación intolerable” y un acceso a servicios básicos marcado por una fuerte desigualdad, según un estudio de la Agencia de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea La Agencia de Der rd Roma child goes to bed hungry at least once a month; and 50 % of Roma between the ages of six and 24 do not attend school. This report underscores an unsettling but unavoidable reality: the European Union's largest ethnic minority continues to face intolerable disc and unequal access to vital services. Highlighting persisting barriers to employment, education, housing and health services, this report also reveals that four out of 10 Roma surveyed felt discriminated against at least once in the past five years – yet only a fracti 2. Long-term activity limitations EU-MIDIS II asked respondents if they had been limited (severely or not severely) in their usual activities because of a long-term health problem. This corresponds to indicator 35 (‘Long-term activity limitations') of the European Core He


El Parlamento Europeo publica un estudio sobre los ciudadanos gitanos en la Unión Europea

El Parlamento Europeo publica un estudio sobre los ciudadanos gitanos en la Unión Europea 1 Este estudio <span class="hps" title="Haz clic para ob oyment and social inclusion and in promoting regional development and cohesion. Within the terms of the Lisbon Strategy, countries report bi-annually on progress in 8 Measures to promote the situation of Roma EU citizens in the European Union implementing the Lisbon G uidelines. Such report ing and monitoring will be enhanced within the framework of the new Europe 2020 programme. The latest implementation report s (repor he administrative procedures required to create a business (FR). In France the official “jobs list” does not recognise many of the activities carried out by Roma and prevents them from carrying out their work on a formal basis. NGOs which try to assist the Roma population


Guía práctica para las ONG

Guía práctica para las ONG Para prevenir la discriminación contra la Comunidad Gitana Net-Kard Project 1 Net-Kard Project Publicaciones en colaboración 2014 Discriminación ONG Igualdad y No Discriminación Europa 0 Texto a Esta Guía se dirige a las ONG y ccessful awareness-raising campaign. • Training actions and Technical assistance: NGOs play an important role in offering training activities and joint work with all of the professional groups entrusted with guaranteeing equality and therefore such activities are one of t these communities. The overarching objective of these actions is to show the Roma population and other citizens the importance of report ing all cases of discrimination. First of all, uncovering the phenomenon of discrimination which is often associated with hate crim making them the lead figure in the transmission of positive images. This could include disseminating their traditions, practices, activities and also their problems. Creating opportunities for Roma communities to express and share their cultural richness will contribute


FSG Annual Report 2019 (Summary Leaflet)

FSG Annual Report 2019 (Summary Leaflet) Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y forme de actividades Incidencia y defensa de derechos Comunicación 1 Texto a The Fundación Secretariado Gitano releases its Annual Report 2019 which provides an overview of the initiatives undertaken in 2019 at Spanish and European level to fulfil its mission: the com G-M2019-infografia-Educacion_en.pdf file:///usr/local/ FSG Annual Report 2019 (Summary Leaflet) PDF 2019 Education Employment Social Advancement Defence of Rights EMPLEO Acceder 19.717 people were suppor LA DIGITAL COURSES 6.007 people receiving basic services 2.557 minors and families 2.208 Roma Women and 1.091 Roma men involved in activities to raise awareness of gender issues 1.305 women on socio-personal and pre-employment journeys 250 families receiving housing assis


La Secretaría de Estado de Estados Unidos señala la situación de vulnerabilidad que sufre la población gitana en España

La Secretaría de Estado de Estados Unidos señala la situación de vulnerabilidad que sufre la población gitana en España La Secretaría de Estado de Estados Unidos ha emitido su informe de por país de sobre prácticas en materia de Derechos Humanos para 2016. nes, una red de asistencia a víctimas y un consejo destinado a eliminar la discriminación racial o étnica. SPAIN 2016 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 265688.pdf Country Report s on Human Rights Practices for 2016 - Spain anrights report /index.htm?year=2016&dlid=265476#wrapper SPAIN 2016 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Kingdom of Spain is a parliamentary d nment from one to four years or up to eight years if the child is under 13. There is a registry for sex offenders to bar them from activities in which they could be in the presence of minors. In August, Catalan regional police closed a child pornography ring and arrested


Los líderes europeos impulsan el Marco Europeo para la Inclusión Social de la Población Gitana

Los líderes europeos impulsan el Marco Europeo para la Inclusión Social de la Población Gitana 1 Internacional La reunión del Consejo Europeo, celebrada los días 23 y 24 de junio en Network. Contact: Summer 2011 A huge step forward for Roma inclusion Cover pictures: © European Union / Report ers Stop Discrimination Newsletter INTRODUCTION 2 IN FOCUS 3 INTERVIEWS: Hearing from those making a difference 5 DID YOU KNOW…? 8 NTS on equality 11 LAST WORD 12 Contents Stop Discrimination Newsletter | Summer 2011 Introduction © European Union / Report ers This edition of the Stop Discrimination Newsletter focuses on initiatives taken at EU level to improve the situation of Europe' multiple discrimination and the EU laws that exist to protect us all against discrimination, as well as find out about the latest activities , publications and events taking place across the EU to fight discrimination and promote diversity. This newsletter provides inform


Informe Anual FSG 2014

Informe Anual FSG 2014 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2015 Inf .pdf file:///usr/local/ Folleto Resumen. Informe Anual 2014. FSG 2014 Annual Report . Summary leaflet 2014 Annual Report Summary leaflet OUR VALUES FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO WHO ARE WE? Dignity Social Justice Eq ctices for NGOs. Pedro Puente FERNÁNDEZ President of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano “This is the summary of the 2014 FSG Annual Report which reflects the results of our work in 2014. Projects that are transforming the lives of many Roma. Thank you to funding instit d retail In 2014 a total of 33 people benefited from this social integration enterprise located in Navarre. Gardening and Forestry Activities Located in Asturias, in 2014 turnover grew by 15%. Auxiliary services for congresses 50 people worked through Ecotur last year. Re


La Comisión Europea presenta el ‘Paquete de inversión social’ y pide a los 27 que se centren en el crecimiento y la cohesión social

La Comisión Europea presenta el ‘Paquete de inversión social’ y pide a los 27 que se centren en el crecimiento y la cohesión social Un vídeo muestra ejemplos de estrategias de inclusión social que sí funcionan, entre las que destaca el Programa 7, 5 December 2012 For a detailed assessment of the budgetary implications of an ageing population please refer to the 2012 Ageing Report – at 4 EN around 29.5% of GDP on averag ocial Policies' Contribution to Inclusion, Employment and the Economy SWD(2013)38 See European Commission Staff Working Document – Report on Follow-up on the Implementation by the Member States of the 2008 European Commission Recommendation on Active Inclusion of Peop ', refers to non-government actors such as community organisations, voluntary organisations, and social enterprises that undertake activities for social benefit. Social enterprises are businesses with primarily social objectives, and where surpluses are usually reinvested


La Fundación Secretariado Gitano participa en la sesión del Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer (CEDAW) de la ONU

La Fundación Secretariado Gitano participa en la sesión del Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer (CEDAW) de la ONU “Las medidas generalistas no llegan a las mujeres y niñas gitanas”, señaló Celia Gabarri en su interve os de la mujer de todo el mundo. La actual presidenta es la española Ana Peláez. Concluding observations on the ninth periodic report of Spain. CEDAW/C/ESP/CO/9 CEDAW_C_ESP_CO_9_52831_E.pdf Informe de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano sobre la situación de las muje 2023 Original: English Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Concluding observations on the ninth periodic report of Spain* 1. The Committee considered the ninth periodic report of country (CEDAW/C/ESP/9) at its 1981st and 1982nd meetings (see ve substantive equality between women and men, placing the Convention at its core. The Committee notes the trainings and awareness activities towards the judiciary and the women about the Convention and the Optional Protocol. It also notes with satisfaction the references


La ONU muestra su preocupación por la brecha de desigualdad que sufren mujeres y niñas gitanas y señala, principalmente, su bajo nivel educativo

La ONU muestra su preocupación por la brecha de desigualdad que sufren mujeres y niñas gitanas y señala, principalmente, su bajo nivel educativo El Comité CEDAW publica sus Observaciones al Noveno Informe Periódico de España FSG Incidencia y Defensa de Der Estado español: avanzar en la igualdad de género con un enfoque interseccional. Concluding observations on the ninth periodic report of Spain. CEDAW/C/ESP/CO/9 CEDAW_C_ESP_CO_9_52831_E.pdf La Fundación Secretariado Gitano participa en la sesión del Comité para la 2023 Original: English Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Concluding observations on the ninth periodic report of Spain* 1. The Committee considered the ninth periodic report of country (CEDAW/C/ESP/9) at its 1981st and 1982nd meetings (see ve substantive equality between women and men, placing the Convention at its core. The Committee notes the trainings and awareness activities towards the judiciary and the women about the Convention and the Optional Protocol. It also notes with satisfaction the references


Informe Red EURoma 'Promoviendo el uso de los Fondos EIE para la inclusión de la población gitana'

Informe Red EURoma 'Promoviendo el uso de los Fondos EIE para la inclusión de la población gitana' Un repaso a los ocho años de trabajo de EURoma y cómo está considerada la inclusión de la población gitana en el periodo de programación 2014-2020 EURoma 1 E guir un mejor uso de los Fondos EIE para la inclusión de grupos vulnerables, incluida la población gitana. upload/05/43/EURoma_ Report _Promoting_Use_of_ESI_Funds_Full_ Report 2.pdf file:///usr/local/ Report _Promoting_Use_of_ESI_Fu NCLUSION A glance at EURoma's eight years of work and how Roma inclusion is considered in the 2014-2020 programming period Summary report Contact Details: EURoma Technical Secretariat: C/ Ahijones s/n 28018 Madrid (Spain) Tel: +34 91 422 09 60 Fax: +34 91 422 09 61 Em number of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Managing Authorities from participating countries are also involved in Network activities . EURoma was created in the context of the 2007-2013 Structural Funds programming period, which increased the scope of transnationa


La OSCE estima que hay que hacer más para acabar con la discriminacion de los gitanos europeos

La OSCE estima que hay que hacer más para acabar con la discriminacion de los gitanos europeos 1 Un encuentro de la Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación Europea - OSCE sobre cómo mejorar la integración de los gitanos e t the rise of violent manifestations of intolerance targeting Roma and Sinti communities; 17. We are concerned about the increased activities of right-wing extremist groups and the dissemination of their ideology through the mass media and the internet; 18. We call upon H d sense and with representatives of Roma and Sinti communities. 64. Acknowledging the crucial role of civil society to monitor and report on progress of implementation of Roma-related policies, we encourage public authorities to support their activities in this area. ecommend that the ODIHR reaches out in a systematic way to young Roma and Sinti generations by raising awareness on the values and activities of the OSCE and by developing adequate programmes to build their leadership skills; 71. We recommend that the ODIHR collects and d


Guía práctica para periodistas

Guía práctica para periodistas Igualdad de trato, medios de comunicación y comunidad gitana Fundación Secretariado Gitano 1 FSG Serie Materiales de Trabajo Esta serie pretende recoger materiales compuestos por texto e imagen principalmente, más enfocados p nation collected by the FSG. 13 Since 2005 (with data from 2004), the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been publishing the annual report entitled Discrimination and the Roma Community. Between 2004 and 2009, a total of 668 cases of discrimination have been registered ital newspaper readers are likewise scrutinised. Following are 35 cases included in the 2009 Discrimination and the Roma Community report involving the media (information and opinion) and Internet, for the purpose of using real examples to highlight situations where t undamental Rights… In this connection we would stress a recent Resolution of the Council of the European Union (2007) on follow-up activities to the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All - 2007 which states as follows: Media play a key role in combating prejudices


La Agencia Europea de los Derechos Fundamentales (FRA) destaca como buena práctica la encuesta “Impacto de la COVID19 en la población gitana”

La Agencia Europea de los Derechos Fundamentales (FRA) destaca como buena práctica la encuesta “Impacto de la COVID19 en la población gitana” Lo ha elegido buena práctica para ayudar a concretar políticas de respuesta a la pandemia FSG Internac States. Since 2016, the National Roma Contact Points (NRCPs) in all Member States covered in this analysis have delivered progress report s on the goals set in their national strategies. A coalition of national non-governmental organisations (NGOs) also monitored progr and support measures. In Portugal, the Moura municipality activated the municipal civil protection emergency plan following media report s that 17 children and two adults were infected with COVID-19 in the Roma community of Espadanal. A sanitary fence was put up in th tions. 12 2 PANDEMIC WIDENS GAP IN EDUCATION Member States covered in this Bulletin, except Sweden, suspended inperson educational activities in early March 2020, with the exception of some kindergartens and schools for children of essential workers. In many cases, school


El Banco Mundial denuncia la desigual situación social, educativa y laboral que sufren los gitanos en Europa

El Banco Mundial denuncia la desigual situación social, educativa y laboral que sufren los gitanos en Europa FSG Internacional 1 Internacional El Banco Mundial publica un libro denunciando la desigual situación que suf ment Projects in Bulgaria 166 Helping Communities Develop and Implement Local Interventions 167 The Relevance of Awareness-Raising Activities —Govanhill 170 Service PUB Partnership Project in Glasgow, Scotland Being Fair, Faring Better • milarity of Roma and Non-Roma Parental Goals for Their Male and Female Children to Complete Upper Secondary Education 23 Roma Self- Report ed Perception of Neighbor Ethnic Discrimination against Roma Population 24 Roma Self- Report ed Ethnic Discrimination during the Job 15–64), Romania 88 Notable Facts about Employment among Roma 99 Roma versus Non-Roma Employment for Men, Women, and Youth 101 Self- Report ed Inability to Find Lower Paid But Secure Work 103 Roma versus Non-Roma Preference for Earning a Living versus Depending on Social


Discriminación y comunidad gitana 2018. Informe anual FSG

Discriminación y comunidad gitana 2018. Informe anual FSG A Fondo. Análisis de la discriminación interseccional, con especial atención a las mujeres gitanas FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Serie Cuadernos Técnicos Esta serie pretende recoger documentos n Inglés (PDF) Informe de Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana 2018 (PDF) Informe_de_discriminacion_2018_VERSION_FINAL.pdf FSG Annual Report 2018 Discrimination and the Roma Community IN DEPTH Analysis of intersectional discrimination, with a spotlight on Roma women Pres . 161 Introduction This year, Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) presents its XIV Report on Discrimination and the Roma Community. We have been producing this publication for 14 years, for the main purpose of uncovering ncy, Court Relations and Equality), which once again this year has continued to support and offer economic resources for the FSG's activities to promote the equal treatment of the Roma community. 8 Introduction Lastly, we would like to thank Soraya Post and Tania Sordo fo


Todo para sacar el máximo partido al Centro de Documentación

Todo para sacar el máximo partido al Centro de Documentación 1 Centro de documentación ¿Sabías que en el Centro de Documentación de la FSG tenemos, entre otras muchas cosas, películas, música, literatura, cómics, cuentos… Y id_expo=27 INDICE DE TITULOS 30AS Jornadas de enseñantes con gitanos: 3. 6º concurso de Naciones Unidas sobre Buenas Prácticas: 4. ACTIVITIES of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia : 5. ACTUALIZACIÓN de los conocimientos acerca del uso terapéutico de l infancia y adolescencia: 32. Cuentos de amor: 1. CUENTOS populares del Mediterráneo: 33. CULTURA gitana: 34. DECADE Watch Romania Report : 35. Las DIMENSIONES sociales de la ciudad: 36. La DIRECCIÓN por valores (DpV): 37. DISCRIMINACIÓN y comunidad gitana: 38. DROGODE Medio Urbano 3. Ciudad 4. Buenas prácticas I. España. Ministerio de la Vivienda. Secretaría General Técnica 3.0 FSG SAL 3.0/SEX 5 ACTIVITIES of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia Activities of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia :


Más de 35.000 personas gitanas mejoran sus condiciones de vida en 2014 gracias a los programas de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano

Más de 35.000 personas gitanas mejoran sus condiciones de vida en 2014 gracias a los programas de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informe Anual FSG 2014 FSG 1 Acción Institucional Estatal Los excelentes resultados situación que, de no ser atendida, los condena a la pobreza por generaciones. Folleto Resumen. Informe Anual 2014. FSG 2014 Annual Report . Summary leaflet _FSG_IA_2014_RESUMEN.pdf FSG_AR_2014_SUMMARY.pdf Web FSG Informe Anual 2014 Info jones s/n, 28018 Madrid. Teléfono : +34 91 422 09 60 • • Con la colaboración de: 2014 Annual Report Summary leaflet OUR VALUES FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO WHO ARE WE? Dignity Social Justice Equality Full Citizenship For complete d retail In 2014 a total of 33 people benefited from this social integration enterprise located in Navarre. Gardening and Forestry Activities Located in Asturias, in 2014 turnover grew by 15%. Auxiliary services for congresses 50 people worked through Ecotur last year. Re


Población gitana y empleo. Un estudio comparado

Población gitana y empleo. Un estudio comparado FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Serie Cuadernos Técnicos Esta serie pretende recoger documentos de contenido teórico, documentos marco, de datos y resultados… Ofrecemos una relación de tipos de docu w w. g i t a n o s . o r g / a c e d e r Financian: Fondo Social Europeo folleto empleo fsguk 23/1/05 10:21 Página 1 Report on Roma Population and Employment Conclusions, recommendations and proposals Index 1. INTRODUCTION ............................... MMARY TABLE.....................................................................................................................25 REPORT ON ROMA POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT MULTI-REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME “FIGHT AGAINST DISCRIMINATION” ESF- (2000-2006) folleto emp n preventing merited and desired permamarket nence in job posts; • a high degree of precariousness; • persistence of non-regulated activities and non-protected employment spelling the absence of labour rights. Despite this situation which could very well be described as d