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Informe Anual FSG 2021

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

Informe Anual FSG 2021 Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 20 ) Infografías EMPLEO, EDUCACIÓN, LUCHA CONTRA LA POBREZA Y TERRITORIALES YEARS promoting employment for the Roma population Annual Report 2021 Summary leaflet 2 FSG Annual Report 2021 Summary leaflet THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO organisation's founder and president since 1982. As the organisation's new president, I have the pleasure of presenting our Annual Report 2021 with our most significant results. With this report , we share the impact of our work with the people who participate in our p EVERY TEN PEOPLE WHO PARTICIPATE BEING HIRED With our employment programme Acceder, we launch personalised pathways which combine activities of needs analysis, guidance, training and active job search to increase participants' autonomy, employability and access to the la

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Informe Anual FSG 2018

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

Informe Anual FSG 2018 Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 20 2018_FSG_INGLES_web.pdf Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2018 (ESP) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2018 (PDF) en inglés ANNUAL REPORT 2018 < SUMMARY LEAFLET THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural social organi policies for the social inclusion of the Roma population, to fight against discrimination and to guarantee equality. 2 FSG ANNUAL REPORT 2018 / summary leaflet We are a team of professionals who work for equal opportunities and advancement for Roma people LETTER FROM to defend the rights of Roma people. Pedro Puente. We present the 2018 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities . We do this to share the impact of our work with the people who participate in our programmes, with the public administration, wit

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Sin segregación

: Zahariev, Boyan [et al.]

Sin segregación Acciones a nivel local para combatir la segregación escolar de los gitanos Zahariev, Boyan [et al.] 1 Astarta Publicaciones en colaboración 2022 Segregación escolar Inclusión educativa Educación Internacional Europa 0 Texto a Buenas práctic hildren in mainstream schools in the hosting countries (Belgium, Spain) to train professionals and other stakeholders to carry out activities for avoiding school segregation and overcoming the existing one, to raise the awareness and create supportive public environment f guably incompatible with the idea of an equal access to education. In Bulgaria similar findings were made based on PISA results. A report of the World Bank based on the analysis of PISA results recommended a series of reforms the most important and widely debated of w ten overlaps with segregation according to the social and economic status of the students (Gortazar et al, 2014). According to the report peer characteristics and school segregation are the key drivers of the Bulgarian education system's performance. In Bulgaria, peer

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Informe Anual FSG 2020

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

Informe Anual FSG 2020 Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 20 sumen Informe Anual FSG 2020 (ENG) Infografías EMPLEO, EDUCACIÓN, LUCHA CONTRA LA POBREZA Y TERRITORIALES Photo:© Ana Palma Annual Report 2020 Summary leaflet The Fundación Secretariado Gitano The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural social organisa of opportunities. › Full citizenship, in which Roma people fully exercise their rights and responsibilities. We present the Annual Report 2020 highlighting the most noteworthy results of our activities . We do this to share the impact of our work with the people who pa cceder, we create personalised pathways into the labour market. These combine needs analysis, guidance, training and job-searching activities to increase participants' autonomy, employability and access to the labour market, whether as an employee or through self-employme

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Informe Final sobre la situación de los derechos humanos de los gitanos

Documento |

Informe Final sobre la situación de los derechos humanos de los gitanos Igualdad y No Discriminación Europa Álvaro Gil-Robles (COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS) El Comisario de Derechos Humanos del Consejo de Europa, el español Álvaro RIGHTS ____________ BUREAU DU COMMISSAIRE AUX DROITS DE L´HOMME Strasbourg, 15 February 2006 CommDH(2006)1 Original version FINAL REPORT BY MR ALVARO GIL-ROBLES, COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION OF THE ROMA, SINTI AND TRAVELLERS IN EUROPE e continent, and present a major impediment to the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. 2. The purpose of this report is to draw together my main findings related to the situation of the Roma on the basis of official country visits as well as conta cts with Roma communities and individuals in the context of my other activities . Rather than offering a comprehensive survey on the vast range of issues affecting the Roma communities in the Council of Europe m


Informe Anual FSG 2019

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

Informe Anual FSG 2019 Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 20 _anual_2019_FSG_ENG.pdf Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2019 (ESP) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2019 (PDF) en inglés Annual Report 2019 Summary leaflet FSG Annual Report 2019 • Summary leaflet The Fundación Secretariado Gitano We are team of professionals who ac ination and to guarantee equality. “We deliver programmes and services to defend the rights of Roma people”. We present the Annual Report 2019 featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities . We do this to share the impact of our work with the people who parti ducational Counselling for students and their families, provided in partnership with centres of education. This is complemented by activities at group and community level, including Promociona Classrooms, which are spaces for academic support and reinforcement. 95% 1,327

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¿Cómo utilizar los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos para la inclusión de la población gitana?

: EURoma

¿Cómo utilizar los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos para la inclusión de la población gitana? Guía para autoridades locales EURoma 1 EURoma Publicaciones en colaboración 2014 Europa Inclusión social Gitanos Internacional Inclusión Social Europa ces etc.), as it provides practical guidelines and recommendations of how to access ESI Funds in order to implement Roma inclusion activities at local level. In addition, this guide can be useful to institutions at the national and regional level that are responsible for from a broad range of organisations that can provide you information and advice on implementing ESI-funded local Roma integration activities . 16 2. The main messages and keys to success Message 3: There are different ways of addressing Roma needs through EU funds and dif ces of your village/municipality/city. • Learn how other cities deal with Roma inclusion. • Learn from lessons identified in other report s and good practices. 17 Making use of European Structural and Investment Funds for Roma Inclusion. A Guide for Local Authorities 2

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Informe Anual FSG 2016


Informe Anual FSG 2016 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2017 Inf //youtu.be/xmeiFbErCsU upload/16/20/FSG_informe2016_FSG_web.pdf file:///usr/local/web.fsgg.org/html/upload/64/05/FSG report 2016_en.pdf Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2016 (PDF, 4,13 Mb) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2016 (PDF 2,45 Mb) en inglés 20 16 ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY LEAFLET 2 FSG 2016 ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY LEAFLET THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) l. PROMOTING THE ROMA COMMUNITY: OUR PREROGATIVE We are pleased to present the 2016 Annual Report , featuring the highlights of our activities . This is the perfect time to share the impact of our work with our programme participants, public administrations, organisations,

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Informe Anual FSG 2015


Informe Anual FSG 2015 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2016 Inf 015 (PDF, 4,81 Mb) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2015 (PDF 4,37 Mb) en inglés IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT OUR ACTIVITIES IN 2015, SEE: »Complete FSG 2015 Annual Report www.gitanos.org/informeanual/ (only available in Spanish) »FSG website www.gitanos. org #FSGannual report 2015 SUMMARY LEAFLET FOLLOW US ON: © Fundación Secretariado Gitano, May 2016 Headquarters: c/ Ahijones s/n, 28018 Madrid. Telephone : +34 91 422 09 60 Email:fsg@gitanos.org www.gitanos.org WITH THE COLLABORATION OF: 2 FSG 2015 ANNUAL REPORT summary leaflet THE Fundación secreTAriado gitano The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is a non-profit social and intercultural

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Informe Anual FSG 2017


Informe Anual FSG 2017 FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y regional. 2018 Inf ingles_web.pdf Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2017 (PDF, 4,84 Mb) Folleto resumen Informe Anual FSG 2017 (PDF) en inglés ANNUAL REPORT 2017 SUMMARY LEAFLET 2 FSG 2017 ANNUAL REPORT / summary leaflet THE FUNDACIÓN SECRETARIADO GITANO We are a professional team that ETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT We develop programmes and services to defend the rights of Roma. Pedro Puente. We present the 2017 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities . Through this report we share the impact of our work with the people who p with a view to their playing an active role in society. We promote gender equality. 1,548 Roma men and women engaging in awareness activities on gender equality 4 regional meetings and 1 at national level with more than 770 young people 10 FSG 2017 ANNUAL REPORT / summary

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Informes sobre la situación de la discriminación hacia la comunidad gitana en España, Portugal, Italia y Rumanía.

: Proyecto Europeo NET KARD

Informes sobre la situación de la discriminación hacia la comunidad gitana en España, Portugal, Italia y Rumanía. Proyecto Europeo NET KARD 1 NET-Kard Project Publicaciones en colaboración 2013 Discriminación Igualdad de trato Legislación Igualdad y No Dis ntales y Ciudadanía de la Unión Europea (Dirección General de Justicia). Discrimination_of_Roma_National_ Report _SPAIN_Net_Kard.pdf Discrimination_of_Roma_National_ Report _ITALY__Net_Kard.pdf Discrimination_of_Roma_National_ Report _ROMANIA_Net_K ard.pdf Discrimination_of_Roma_National_ Report _PORTUGAL_Net_Kard.pdf Informe de España Informe de Italia Informe de Rumanía Informe de Portugal Discrimination of Roma Communitie h provides services for the development of the Roma community throughout Spain and at the European level as well. It commenced its activities in the 1960s, although it was not until 1982 that it was legally constituted. The mission of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano is

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Guía para la actuación con la Comunidad Gitana en los Servicios Sanitarios


Guía para la actuación con la Comunidad Gitana en los Servicios Sanitarios FSG 1 FSG Serie Materiales de Trabajo Esta serie pretende recoger materiales compuestos por texto e imagen principalmente, más enfocados para los usuarios de las acciones y los prog es to the European Union in May of 2004, Spain was the EU nation with the largest Roma population – over 650,000. According to the report entitled “The Situation of Roma in an Enlarged European Union” published by the European Commission in November 20041, the general rs who are capable of accepting new aspects of community life which benefit its development. Î Mourning: affects social and labour activities and imposes rules regarding personal appearance (black clothes and headscarf for women, beard for men, etc.) and community life 11 Handbook for Action in the Area of Health Services with the Roma Community in terms of expressions of joy or entertainment activities . Î The figure of the deceased is very important. It is important to bear possible reactions in mind when the death of a close fami

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: written by Ellie Keen; edited by Rui Gomes

Barabaripen Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination written by Ellie Keen; edited by Rui Gomes 1 European Youth Centre Strasbourg Publicaciones en colaboración 2014 Jóvenes Racismo Igualdad y No Discriminación Juventud Europa 1 Texto a “Baraba gratitude to all those who contributed to this publication, in particular: • To all the young people who have participated in the activities that led to this publication, for their time, personal stories, openness and willingness to raise awareness about multiple discrim rting this project and for their constant support and feedback. We have made all possible efforts to trace references of texts and activities to their authors and give them the necessary credits. We apologise for any omissions and will be pleased to correct them in the ne nd economic problems in their countries. This widespread rhetoric of hate makes the Roma even more vulnerable and marginalised. As report ed in the De la Negra story, anti-Roma marches have become a real problem in several countries. In many cases of hate crime against

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Joint report on the use of Structural Funds for Roma inclusion based on country-by-country meetings

: Euroma Plus ; Technical Secretariat, Fundación Secretariado Gitano

Joint report on the use of Structural Funds for Roma inclusion based on country-by-country meetings Reinforcing Policy Learning for Roma Inclusion. European Social Fund (ESF) Learning Network Euroma Plus ; Technical Secretariat, Fundación Secretariado Gita no 1 Euroma Plus Publicaciones en colaboración 2014 Fondos Europeos Internacional Europa 1 Texto a upload/67/45/Full_ Report -Joint_ Report _ESF_Roma_Inclusion_Learning_Network.pdf file:///usr/local/web.fsgg.org/html/upload/83/45/Key_Findings_and_Proposals-J oint_ Report _ESF_Roma_Inclusion_Learning_Network.pdf Full Report -Joint Report ESF Roma Inclusion Learning Network Key Findings and Proposals-Jo ry important to develop a detailed planning process identifying how the different actions foreseen in the OPs will reach Roma, how activities and working methods will be adapted —when necessary— to Roma needs, how information about results and Roma participation will be g

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FSG Annual Report 2015 (Summary Leaflet)


FSG Annual Report 2015 (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y region al. 2016 Informe de actividades Comunicación Acción Institucional Estatal 1 Texto a We present the 2015 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities .The perfect time to share the impact of our work with the publ working together to help improve the lives of thousands of Roma and non-Roma people. upload/75/68/FSG_2015_summary.pdf FSG Annual Report 2015 (Summary Leaflet)

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FSG Annual Report 2016 (Summary Leaflet)


FSG Annual Report 2016 (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y region al. 2017 Informe de actividades Comunicación Estatal 1 Texto a We present the 2016 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities .The perfect time to share the impact of our work with the publ kes it possible for all of us working together to help improve the lives of thousands of Roma and non-Roma people. upload/20/04/FSG report 2016_en.pdf FSG Annual Report 2016 (Summary Leaflet)

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FSG Annual Report 2017 (Summary Leaflet)


FSG Annual Report 2017 (Summary Leaflet) FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y region al. 2018 Informe de actividades Comunicación Acción Institucional Estatal 1 Texto a We present the 2016 Annual Report featuring the most noteworthy results of our activities .The perfect time to share the impact of our work with the publ ogether to help improve the lives of thousands of Roma and non-Roma people. upload/62/34/informe2017_FSG_ingles_web.pdf FSG Annual Report 2017 (Summary Leaflet) PDF

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Informe de la sociedad civil

: preparado por una coalición integrada por las siguientes organizaciones, Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Grupo de investigación ALTER de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Asociación de Enseñantes con Gitanos

Informe de la sociedad civil Sobre la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional para la Inclusión Social de la Población Gitana y el Plan de Acción de la Década para la Inclusión de los Gitanos en España en 2012 preparado por una coalición integrada por las actualizacion.pdf Documento PDF en español Documento PDF en inglés Documento PDF en inglés. Actualización Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 in S PA I N DECADE OF ROMA INCLUSIO N 2005-2015 Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 in SPAIN Prepared by a civil societ e processes of social inclusion and the improvement of living conditions among Roma, in spite of a decline in traditional economic activities , persistent poverty for a certain segment of the Roma population and racial discrimination in all social fields, are at risk and c

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Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana

: Área de Igualdad, Departamento de Inclusión Social FSG

Discriminación y Comunidad Gitana Informe Anual FSG 2011 Área de Igualdad, Departamento de Inclusión Social FSG 1 Fundación Secretariado Gitano Serie Cuadernos Técnicos Esta serie pretende recoger documentos de contenido teórico, documentos marco, de datos TMENT AND NON-DISCRIMINATION ON THE GROUNDS OF RACIAL OR ETHNIC ORIGIN FSG 2011 Presentation of 115 cases of discrimination Annual report FSG 2011 C/ Ahijones, s/n - 28018 Madrid (España) Tel.: (34) 91 422 09 60 - Fax: (34) 91 422 09 61 fsg@gitanos.org www.gitanos.org Annual report 21/12/2011 10:17:18 Discrimination and the Roma Community Annual report FSG 2011 Author and editor: Fundación Secretariado Gitano . 96 5. Anti-racism rap campaign of the Movement against Intolerance . 97 6. Activities carried out by the FSG . – Social awareness raising Campaign Gitan@s=Ciudandan@s . – Tra

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FSG Annual Report 2020 (Summary Leaflet)

: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG)

FSG Annual Report 2020 (Summary Leaflet) Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) 1 FSG Informes Anuales FSG Memorias de actividad Sección en la que podrás consultar las memorias anuales de las actividades de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano, a nivel estatal y sa de derechos Comunicación 1 Texto a In 2020, we helped to improve the lives of more than 34,000 people and refocused some of our activities to assist the people in most urgent need due to Covid-19. upload/51/17/informe_anual_2020_FSG_AAFF_eng_web.pdf file:///usr/local/w nfografias-Educacion-en.pdf file:///usr/local/web.fsgg.org/html/upload/68/82/FSG-M2020-infografias-Lucha-pobreza-en.pdf FSG Annual Report 2020 (Summary Leaflet) PDF Employment Education Fighting Poverty EMPLOYMENT Annual Report 2020 56,39 % 21.236 We celebrate 20 year aborate with Acceder Fundación With the participation of local and regional government and private organisations. EDUCATION Annual Report 2020 WE SUPPORT ROMA STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS AND TO CONTINUE WITH THEIR STUDIES PROMOCIONA-T Educational success i

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