First National Working Group:

"Methodologies of the reception (welcome) and taking in charge of the Roma population”


Hungary (20th June 2005)




The participants equably agreed that the time of researches is over; already existent data should be collected and action must be made.


What is the reason of that the Roma are in an alarmingly bad health?..

  • Settlement structure

  • Infrastructure, or its absence

  • Small societal mobility

  • Difficulties in access to care

  • Health culture

The participants also agreed that the differences are not based on ethnicity, rather on social and economic reasons.


The above mentioned problems need attention. Instead of small scale projects, long-term and permanent programs are needed. Monitoring and quality insurance have to be provided for.    


Actual suggestions:


  • Lecture series (the Roma are not self-conscious of their health situation)  

  • Collecting the already existing, and well-operating projects that help access to health care services

