National Working Group:

"Methodologies of the reception (welcome) and taking in charge of the Roma population”



Meetings of the working group on the 12th of May 2006  and 30th of June 2006


Decisions were taken on the communications that should be presented at the training courses and the way they should be organized.


Elaboration on the material gathered from the bilateral meetings held by the General Director and working on the Manual.


The Manual was translated into Greek. The translation was given to

all the participants of the working group. Discussions on topics of the Manual and opinions were given on adapting it to the Greek reality of the Roma Community.


There has been a constant communication flow between the different members of the working group and they are in touch with the execution of the activities planned for the execution of the project.


Analysis of the current situation of the Roma Community, regarding health issues, housing, living conditions etc. was made in order to plan future interventions in it. The training courses of the public health personnel and the mediators were discussed and the programs for them were approved.


Among the beneficiaries were: Roma community, Roma mediators, Health agents, Social services’ agents, Policy agents


The results were proposals on the organization the training courses and the national seminar, discussion on the topics that should be included, elaboration and proposals on the content of the Greek Manual on health issues and the Roma Community, adaptation of the Manual to the Greek reality of the Roma Community.


Final plenary meeting of the working group on the 9th of October 2006


The plenary meeting of the working group worked on the final preparations of the National Seminar, scheduled finally for the 24th of November. At this meeting of the working group, the final program of the National Seminar was defined, as well as the participation of Efxini Poli at the International Seminar was discussed.


The Manual was discussed in details. The participants found a lack of methodology in applying the recommendations given in the text. But the overall contents were considered as good for those that start working with people from the Roma Community in describing the characteristics of the Roma Community that has to be kept in mind when providing health services.


Proposals were made on the adoption of the Manual to the Greek reality of the Roma Community. Some data on the living conditions of the Roma Community were added to the Manual, as well as some other considerations.

n Conclusions


 National Working groups