National Working Group:



(Busteni, December 2005 and October 2006)


The National Working Group was carrying its activity within the Sastipen project „Reduction of Health Inequalities in the Roma Community”; program financed by the European Commission, through Health and Consumer’s Protection Directorate, Direction C – Public Health and Risk Assessment. The event is organised by the Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies – Romani CRISS.


Objectives of the meeting:


  • To inform the participants regarding the project implementation stage and other initiatives on health and health related projects.

  • To discuss about health situation of Roma community in several areas of Romania

  • To share experiences on health work and discuss about the content of the manual



  • Representatives of health institutions: of Public Health Houses, of Public Health Directorates; family doctors and speciality doctors within the national network of combating TB

  • Roma leaders

  • Representatives of NGOs

  • Health mediators


Conclusion related to the manual:

The brochure “Health and Roma community“ was discussed in the National Working Group and was adapted to Romanian Roma situation. It was agreed that the structure of the brochure proposed could not have been of much help to Roma and non Roma actors in the field of health. Therefore, few chapters were changed in order to publish a manual closer to Romanian reality.

The conclusions drafted by the working group at both meetings were:

  1. Starting from the fact that there are no doctors or medical units in many Roma communities, to elaborate clauses within the law that would actuate the physicians to work in Roma communities. Still, it might raise the problem of ethnicisation. The present legislation allows granting of bonuses only for geographical underprivileged areas
  2. The non-insured person has to pay approximately 200,000 Rol/ month to be ensured, including retroactively. It was signalled the necessity of having a new starting point of this rule, followed by information campaigns and this will contribute to an increased number of ensured persons.
  3. To involve the elected political leaders in applying the public health policies at local and national level
  4. Information campaigns targetting children
  5. To improve the quality of services in Roma or isolated communities
  6. To carry out the campaign in schools, churches, from house to house or the places where Roma work
  7. The Ministry of Health carries out information campaign in schools too. The proposal is to collaborate and sign a partnership agreement of the Ministry of Health with the Ministry of Education, resulting in a joint Order.
  8. The necessity of a better co-operation between the doctors, local authorities and health mediators

General recommendations for improving the Roma health condition and their access to health services”

    • to extend the health services units (fix or mobile) in the field
    • to extend the network of medical-social units
    • to extend the number of health mediator and Roma community mediators
    • to carry out raising awareness campaigns focused on the necessity of preventing rather than treating
    • to be aware of the importance of quality of food and regular life
    • to teach the minimal heath education on diseases in general
    • to carry out information and education campaigns on the rights and obligations of the assisted persons
    • to involve in the information campaigns all the decisional factors: State institutions, political and informal Roma leaders, NGOs and other civil society associations, religious and spiritual leaders of the community

 National Working groups