First National Working Group:

Reduction of Health Inequalities in Roma Community



(Borovetz, 2-3 June 2005)


The first working group, titled “Reduction of Health Inequalities in Roma Community”

took place in Borovetz, on 2-3 June 2005 and gathered 17 experts in the field of health and/or Roma community. Participants came from four cities, all having big segregated Roma communities, and presented seven NGOs, one GO and one municipality, which ensured diversity of experiences and viewpoints. The task of the working group was to analyze main problematic areas in Roma health and health care for Roma, on a country level, in four directions: describe the problems, identify differences with the mainstream society, identify reasons for problems and suggest possible ways to overcome these. A moderated discussion led to conclusions, described in a matrix, which presents the product of the working group. Later conclusions were presented to the national and international seminars during the project.



n Program


n List of participants


n Conclusions


 National Working groups