Training for Mediators:


Spain (3-4 Novembrer 2005)




Thursday, 3 November 2005.


9:00    Welcome. Distribution of documentation.


9:10    Health and the Roma Community. Analysis of action proposals


10:00  Mediating skills in health intervention with the Roma community I


1.      Individualised health intervention

Aspects of individualised health-care intervention

Possible functions of the mediator

Skills to be implemented


11:45  Break


12:00  Mediating skills in health intervention with the Roma community II


2.      Family health intervention

Aspects of family health-care intervention

Possible functions of the mediator

Skills to be implemented


14:00  Lunch


16:00  Mediating skills in health intervention with the Roma community II


3.      Community intervention

Aspects of community health-care intervention

Possible functions of the mediator

Skills to be implemented


18:30. End of session


Friday, 4 November 2005.


9:00    Prevention and health promotion with the Roma population. Resources and intervention strategies I.


            Is information enough?

            Characteristics of the health-care agent taking part in prevention / health promotion activities.

            Criteria which should be considered to make information effective. Strategies and resources to work on the aspect of information.


11:30  Break


11:45  Prevention and health promotion with the Roma population. Resources and intervention strategies II.


            The importance of attitudes and values. Strategies and resources to work on attitudes and values.

            Changing habits. Strategies and resources to promote a change of habits.


14:00  Closing ceremony.
