Project Summary:


The project aims:

  1. Consolidate and expand the European Network “Sastipen” as a forum for exchange, contact and mutual support. Emphasis on awareness and information sharing with regard to the Gypsy Community in Europe focusing on drug-abuse and HIV/AIDS and general health issues.  

  2. Generate dialogue and a pool of knowledge from elements of common interest on the subject of the Gypsy population involved with drugs. Develop methods and  intervention strategies and transfer all significant knowledge and experience to other action partners, to other drug abuse networks and to other ethnic minorities and to public administrations and entities from other European countries which are Home to Gypsy people (especially in Central and Eastern European countries with a significant Gypsy population).

  3.  Mobilise the different agents involved in drug abuse issues (experts, institutions, etc.) as well as the Gypsy community itself with a view to developing prevention and intervention initiatives with this minority group within the Project partner countries which favour specific treatment taking lifestyles and cultural characteristics into consideration.

  4. Facilitate access to mainstream health services for drug-dependant members of the Gypsy community.

  5. Produce, disseminate and apply prevention materials and instruments specifically adapted to the Gypsy  Community.
