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Caixa Proinfancia Programme[editar]

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  • Ámbito: Estatal
  • Calendario:
  • Áreas a las que está adscrito: Social Inclusion
  • Destinatarios: Minors and Families
  • Caixa Proinfancia- supports the social and educative development of minors and youngsters by breaking the intergenerational circle of poverty

    Launched in 2007, this programme aims to provide support to families and minors facing serious situations of poverty and social exclusion, in the framework of a Network of Social Organisations funded by Obra Social de La Caixa. To this end it provides support for the development of social and educational actions to promote the development of minors and their families, with the objective of generating opportunities for future and breaking the transmission of poverty from parents to children, favoring a healthy and happy childhood that allow the full development of children’s potential and abilities. It targets children and youth aged 0-18 whose families are in situations of poverty and social vulnerability.

    Main objectives:
    • Favouring the development of the skills of children and youth and their families that contribute to improving their processes of social inclusion and autonomy
    • Promote the social and educational development of children and youth in their family, educational and social environment
    • Develop and implement a model of integrated social and educational action, which contributes to improve the opportunities of social and educational development of children and youth and their families
    • Contribute to sensitising and mobilising society in the fight against child poverty

    Main actions of the programme are as follows:
    • Educational support for children/youth
    • Support parenthood
    • Socio-educational centres
    • Summer camps and activities
    • Psychological support to children and youth and their families

    Complemented with resources that favour the physical and psychological condition of children and youth through support for basic needs such as:

    • Food and higiene
    • Glasses and hearing aids
    • School material

    The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) got involved in this programme in 2007 to ensure it also reaches Roma population. Nowadays FSG develops the programme in 15 cities around Spain. The actions undertaken allow reaching around 3,000 children and youth and their families every year.

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