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Roma Community, Health and Drugs


Steering Committees

These Committees are comprised of one representative from each partner organisation plus the project coordinator. The functions include the planning and follow-up of activities, the fostering of new initiatives adding further dimensions to the project's network and the task of guaranteeing the quality of the initiatives under way. They are also in charge of establishing a dialogue and a pool of knowledge on the phenomenon of drug addiction within their own country.

Methodology: These group meet six times during the course of the project to accomplish different tasks: planning; activity preparation and follow-up; and evaluation and future project design. These meetings coincide with transnational activities and meetings whenever possible.

National Working Groups

These are groups whose role is to support the project growth in each of the partner countries to generate a healthy internal dialogue and to call for the involvement of the social agents to participate in helping to meet the project objectives. These groups, led by the national partner organisation are in charge of developing specific project actions in each country and are responsible for the establishment of the information and monitoring system of the health status of Europe's Roma population.

Each national partner organisation form their respective group according to the criteria and objectives of this project, that is to say, participants at the working groups include, mainly, Roma organisations and drug-related NGOs. It means that, in some cases, participants at the working groups and at the project activities include other social entities, professionals from health-and drug-care services and other institutions (i.e. representatives from the administration). The involvement of as many social agents as possible is welcome for the final aim of the project.

Their main activities include training and exchange sessions. These sessions are to bring participants together to share experiences and to do training within a transnational framework, with the support of short-time experts from other partner countries.

Methodology: these groups meet periodically during the course of the project and create their own work agenda that include the above-mentioned tasks as well as any others responding to specific needs.

Training actions

Training is one of the basic tools in the development of this intervention. It is necessary to create several training areas which should be addressed to the two basic agents of intervention:

- Members of Roma organisations and NGOs professionals working on drug-related issues: they will get a training aimed at making it easier for them to get some knowledge on the processes of drugs abuse, on basic prevention concepts and strategies, on the rudiments for the planning and execution of prevention projects, etc.

The training actions have three levels:

1. Mediation: the incorporation in the intervention with the Roma community of mediating figures or structures.

The difficulties in the incorporation and maintenance of Roma drug dependents in the assistential processes and in the development of prevention initiatives, might be lessened if the care services have educators, or other similar figures, who know the Roma population in depth. Roma associations themselves and the NGOs working with this population may assume this task, together with the involvement of the local services and plans on drugs, in order to include them in their agenda.

The final aim of this mediation structures is to facilitate the access for Roma drug victims to mainstream attention centres and to support the treatment and reinsertion processes.

This challenge implies a sensitizing work towards the services, Roma associations and support groups, and the administration. It also implies an effort in the information and formation of the mediating figures, and, finally, to devote willingness and means enough so the incorporation of the mediators may be something real.

2. Prevention: The workshops are addressed to Roma and non-Roma professionals. They provide with a mediation specialist with the necessary training to take responsibility for the implementation and development of prevention initiatives. These initiatives are organised according to the following work structure:

  • - Free time activities: a space which is open to the proposal, responsibility and development of leisure type activities the object of which is to occupy free time in a creative and healthy manner.
  • - Drug abuse prevention workshops: this activity is structured around six workshops any one of which may be used independently of the rest:
    1. 1. What is drug abuse? Important information as regards drug abuse:
      1. i. Basic concepts on drugs
        ii. Most commonly consumed drugs and their effects
        iii. Resources available to get off drugs
        iv. Risks associated with the use of drugs
    2. 2. Group pressure
      3. Self esteem
      4. Values and Roma identity: factors which protect us from the problem of drugs
      5. Family based prevention strategies
      6. Search for constructive alternatives to drugs

3. Exchange of experiences (Exchange forums): this activity takes place within the framework of the national working groups. The objective of this action is to have a store of information on organisations and experiences involving any type of intervention with the Roma population affected by the problems of drug abuse. It leads to foster mutual knowledge and learn about the good practices and experiences carried out by organisations working with drug-related issues. They have the support of short-term experts who provide experiences from other partner countries.

These meetings provide a forum to gain understanding of how intervention on drug use is carried out in other organisations and in other countries, to allow the transfer of work methodology and the sharing of experiences, and to focus on problems from different perspectives.

- Professionals of care services for drug dependents: in this case, the training is addressed to make it easier for them to get some knowledge on aspects of the Roma culture, on the needs and possibilities and conditions for the intervention. These sessions provide an opportunity to close the gap and establish collaboration between public entities and NGOs on drug-related issues.

Elaboration of adapted materials

The existence of materials (explanatory, educational, training or supporting the intervention) which are adapted to the Roma population is an essential condition in order to guarantee the intervention's efficiency. The informative campaigns on drugs executed so far have had little or no effect among the Roma population. Sometimes, because the channels were not the adequate, or because the messages and the form did not take into account the peculiarities of certain specific groups of population, as it has been the case with the Roma.

The idea is to start a working line aimed at the creation of materials addressed to:

- The final addressees (Roma drug dependents). Basically papers of an informative nature on drug abuse, HIV/AIDS…
- Mediators and people working with the Roma population: prevention materials adapted to the Roma population with specific contents on drug abuse, prevention, etc. They are conceived as support instruments to those people working with the Roma and who wish to approach prevention actions within their community.
- Professionals and staff from care services: informative materials on aspects of the Roma community that may facilitate the knowledge and the intervention of professionals with the Roma community.


Two international seminars have been held during the course of the project. Participants from each partner organisation join in order to reinforce the transnational nature of the project, introduce elements of quality management and ongoing improvement of the project efforts.

These seminars provide an opportunity to give visibility to the project and promote new initiatives and the design of future joint projects.

Data collection

The implementation of a system of information and monitoring of the situation of the Europe´s Roma population with regard to drug abuse and associated problems is fostered. The experience started within the SASTIPEN Network provides the necessary methodology and instruments to initiate the collection of data in project partner countries. The system is designed with the objective of acquiring updated and systematic information that allows for the design of action plans and programs tailored to the needs of this group.

The Steering Committee, based on the materials provided by the "SASTIPEN Information System" and with the support of experts, reviews the system of indicators and distribute the materials for the information system among National Working Groups. Each national coordinador is responsible for collecting data from partner organisations (participating at the working groups, at seminars, at the workshops, etc.) as well as data from public institutions.

Project Summary
Good Practices and Data Collection
Key Studies and Researches
