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Roma Community, Health and Drugs

These are the most relevant studies and researches carried out in East and Central European countries concernig mainly the Roma Community and health issues. Please,if you are a researcher on these issues and you are interested on adding any other study on this field, please do not hesitate to contact any of the partners of the project .

Authors: Puporka, Lajos and Zádori, Zsolt:
Title: A magyarországi romák egészségi állapota (összegzés). The health conditions of Roma's in Hungary (short version)
Source: Roma Press Centre, Budapest, 1998
Language: Hungarian

This paper discusses the longer version of a study on Roma health, supported by the World Bank.

Authors: Puporka, Lajos and Zádori, Zsolt:
Title: A magyarországi romák egészségi állapota. The health conditions of Roma's in Hungary.
Source: Roma Press Centre, Budapest, 1998
Language: Hungarian

The paper first discusses the place of health researches among Roma population: is there a need to carry out such researches, or these researches only strengthens the stereotypes about Romas. In the research - supported by the World Bank - the authors try to study the Roma general health, comparing to other non-Roma population living at the same standard of living. According to the authors, there is not difference between populations with bad living conditions. So, the health of the socially excluded Roma groups are bad comparing to the general population. The paper contains different - general - health indicators.

Author: Gyukits, György and Sándor, Imola:
Title: A romák egészség védelmét szolgáló oktatási program a Dzsumbujban. The health protective educational program on Roma health in the Dzsumbuj settlement.
Source: A HUNGAROSTUDY 2002 Országos reprezentatív egészségfelmérés elso
eredményei. The first results of the HUNGAROSTUDY 2002 country-wide study. Semmelweis University, Institute for Behavioural Medicine, Budapest.
Language: Hungarian

The paper describes a pilot study on health education in a socially excluded Roma and non-Roma in the 9th district of Budapest (called Dzsumbuj settlement). The main themes of the education were: STD and HIV-related problems, sexual education and family planning. The education was successful: the authors employed needs assessment, continuous monitoring and feed-back. They propose to involve local people in the delivery of the educational program in the next step.

Author: News release: RomaPage: Átlagosan tíz évvel rövidebb a Romák élete. As an average the life expectancy is 10 years lower in Roma's.
Source: 2004 September 8. National Geographic Online
Language: Hungarian

Short news on a research on Roma health based on a research with 1200 households. The life expectancy of Roma people is shorter with 10-15 years. Some specific illness is more frequent among the Roma population than among non-Roma's (e.g.: asthma, gastric ulcer, TBC, anaemia).

Author: Neményi, Mária:
Title: Cigány anyák az egészségügyben. Roma mothers in the health care system.
Source: RomaPage
Language: Hungarian

The author carried out a research on Roma mothers in the Hungarian health care system (in 1997). The author investigated the relationship and the communication between Roma mothers and different health care players. She concluded that there are strong stereotypes and prejudices against Roma mothers. Sometimes these come from the different cultural background and different behaviour and habits of the Roma mothers comparing to the mothers in the majority society. The author also suggests some proposals how to diminish these stereotypes with the inclusion of Roma mothers in the problem solving process in the health care system.

Title: Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Program Alprogramok
Language: Hungarian

This is a 10 year-long national public health program, accepted by the Hungarian parliament. It affects the different aspects of public health problems and response of the Hungarian population. This program contains an element dealing with equal opportunity to the access to health and health care institutions.

Author: Prónai, Csaba:
Title: A magyarországi cigányok egészségi állapota a XX. század utolsó évtizedében. The health conditions of the Hungarian Roma's in the last decades of the 20th century. A review.
Source: Kisebbségkutatás - 2000, 9,4.
Language: Hungarian

The most important statement of the survey-essay is that the health conditions of the gypsies are strongly connected to the almost general poverty and social inequalities characterizing them. Improving their education can mainly help their alarming state of health.

Author: Ürmös, Andor:
Title: Romák, ráadásul nok is
Source: munkv/yohee (
2003 October 27.
Language: Hungarian

Interview with the deputy head of department of Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs, Dr. Andor Ürmös. He is responsible for equal opportunities. He discussed the access of Roma women to health care institutions.

Author: Weisz, Júlia:
Title: Közgyógyellátási igazolványt az arra jogosult ózdi romáknak. "Free public health identity card for romas. Model program supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands.
Source: RomNet, 2004 September 5.
Language: Hungarian

A pilot study to have an access to "free public health identity card", it can be used by people who do not have health insurance (they could not pay the insurance). This "identity card" makes possible the use of basic health care services. In the local work the researchers employed Roma assistants/field workers who helped the access to Roma communities and helped the use of this "identity card".

Authors: J. A. Kelly, Y. A. Amirkhanian, E. Kabakchieva, P. Csepe, D. W. Seal, R. Aantonova, A. Mihaylov & G. Gyukits
Title: Gender roles and HIV sexual risk vulnerability of Roma (Gypsies) men and
women in Bulgaria and Hungary: an ethnographic study
Source: AIDS CARE (Month 2004), VOL. 00, NO. 0, pp. 231_/246
Language: Hungarian

Abstract Roma, the largest ethnic minority group in Central and Eastern Europe, have cultures
that are traditional, often closed, and autonomous of majority populations. Roma communities are characterized by pervasive social health problems, widespread poverty, limited educational opportunities, and discrimination. Although some evidence suggests high levels of HIV sexual risk behaviour among Roma, little is known about the cultural and social context in which risk behaviour occurs. In-depth interviews were used to elicit detailed information about types of sexual partnerships and sexual risk behaviour practices occurring in them, use and perception of protection, knowledge and beliefs about AIDS and STDs, and sexual communication patterns in a sample of 42 men and women aged 18_52 living in Roma community settlements in Bulgaria and Hungary. Analysis of the interview data revealed that men have great sexual freedom before and during marriage, engage in a wide range of unprotected practices with primary and multiple outside partners, and have much more relationship power and control. In contrast, women are expected to maintain virginity before marriage and then sexual exclusivity to their husbands. Condom use is not normative and is mainly perceived as a form of contraception. Although awareness of AIDS was common, it was generally not perceived as a personal threat. Misconceptions about how HIV is transmitted are widespread, and women _/ in particular _/ had very little knowledge about STDs, HIV transmission, and protective steps. There is an urgent need for the development of HIV prevention programs culturally sensitive to Roma populations in Eastern Europe, where HIV rates are rapidly rising.

Author: Paksi, Borbála
Title: A drogfogyasztás hagyományos vizsgálati módszereinek alkalmazhatósága a cigány populáció körében, a cigány népesség drogérintettségének becslése. The usefulness of the usual methods on drug use among Roma population; estimation of the Roma drug use.
Source: Manuscript (2001), see the author!
Language: Hungarian

Manuscript. In 2000 in Budapest there was a drug use study among 16 year old school students with a representative sampling. Here the ethnic background was asked, and the self-admitted drug use pattern was compared among self-defined Roma, non-Roma and Roma and Hungarian students. The author emphasizes the difficulties of interpretations of the data and this type of research.

Author: Babusik, Ferenc and Papp, Géza:
Title: A cigányság egészségi állapota. The health status of the Roma's.
Source: Deplphoi Consulting
Language: Hungarian

The authors discuss the economic and life conditions of a Roma population in a Hungarian county. The author created a symptom list what was used to estimate certain illnesses among Roma people and later to compare the general population. The authors found significant differences between the health status (syndrome of different illnesses) of Roma and non-Roma population. According to the authors, these differences are interpreted that the Roma people live among worse living conditions than the general population. The problem solving could be the improvement this deprived status, especially through employment programs.

Author: Ladányi, János and Szelényi, Iván
Title: Cigányok és szegények Magyarországon, Romániában és Bulgáriában. Gypsies and poor people in Hungary, Rumania and in Bulgharia.
Source: Szociológiai Szemle 2002/4. 72-94.
Language: Hungarian

Sociological comparison among the three countries. Small introduction about the living conditions of Roma and poor people during communism, the role and consequences of political changes in the 89-90. The authors discuss the "relative" and "absolute" poorness of this people, their life expectancies comparing with the communist era. With multiple statistical methods, the authors concludes, that the Roma people poorer than the Non-Roma people 2-3 times worse. Some part of this difference is interpreted as the consequence of prejudices against Roma's (employment, academic achievement and housing). The three countries are different in this indicators - they differ in the prejudices against Roma's as well.

Author: Jean-Paul C. Grund, Paul J. Öfner, Hans T. Verbraeck
Title: Marel o Del, kas kamel, le Romes duvar
(God hits whom he chooses; the Rom gets hit twice)
An Exploration of Drug Use and HIV Risks among the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe
Source: DV8,Research, Training and Development Project Group Roma & Drugs
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Language: English

This report presents the result of a pilot study on the use of drugs among the Roma minority of Central and Eastern Europe. It includes the results from a semi-structured Internet-based survey and an in-depth interview study, both with experts and key informers The former was distributed throughout the entire region, including the former Soviet Union, the latter was conducted in the Czech and Slovak Republics and Hungary. The most important study findings are: drug use in Roma communities is not merely an isolated or localized phenomenon; heroin use is rapidly gaining popularity among Roma youth; roma drug users are at increased risk of HIV and other blood-borne disease; in general drug scenes are strictly divided along ethnic boundaries; development of drug policy and interventions aimed at Roma is in its infancy; Roma activists and Roma self-organizations should be involved in policy development; drug addiction jeopardizes the traditional family structure and community relations, as well as human rights. Furthermore, chapter eight provides a more elaborate summary of the report, a discussion of the findings and a set of recommendations.

Title: These Roma do understand. A comic strip about alcohol for us, the Roma. (Estos calós sí que chanelan. Un tebeo sobre el alcohol para nosotros los gitanos).
Source: Madrid, Fundación Secretariado General Gitano, 2004.
Language: Spanish

A Comic strip which aims to prevent alcohol consume among roma youth, as well as reducing risks when alcohol abusing. It help encouraging responsible behaviours and ban false believes in regard to alcohol.

Title: Document of Reference: Health and Roma Community. (Documento de Referencia Salud y Comunidad Gitana).
Source: Fundación Secretariado General Gitano. Ministry of Health and Consume, Madrid, 2004.
Language: Spanish

Title: The better we know, the better we decide. (El que mejor chanela, mejor decide). Fundación Secretariado General Gitano, 2003.

Title: The health status of the Roma in Spain. A bibliography review (El estado de salud del pueblo gitano en España. Una revisión de la bibliografía).
Source: Gaceta Sanitaria 17 (3), 2003.
Language: Spanish

This article determines the health aspects of Spanish Roma that have been of interest for medical scientific bibliography. It studies the ethnic differences and social inequalities in health.

Title: Dikando. A drug prevention comic strip. (Dikando. Un tebeo para la prevención de las drogas).
Source: Fundación Secretariado General Gitano, Madrid, 2001. Comic strip used to work on drug prevention with youth using simple and usual daily stories.
Language: Spanish

Title: Intercultural Mediation. A bridge for dialogue. (La mediación intercultural: un puente para el diálogo).
Source: Communtiy Development. (various authors), Barcelona 2000.
Language: Spanish

Author: Cabedo, V.R. et alt
Title: How Roma are and what they suffer from.(Cómo son y de qué padecen los gitanos).
Language: Spanish

Atención Primaria Magazine Observational and descriptive study which compares sociodemographic and health characteristics of Roma and non Roma. It addresses some differences between both groups.

Author: Bezunartea, P.
Title: International seminar on mediators training and exchange: Intercultural mediation and community health. (Encuentro internacional de formación e intercambio de mediadores: Mediación intercultural y salud comunitaria). 17-19 February 2000. Madrid.
Language: Spanish

Author: Monturiol, F. and A. de Silva,
Title: Drug use and its impact on culture (Roma case). (Los usos de las drogas y su impacto en la cultura (el caso gitano).
Source: Asociación Secretariado General Gitano, Madrid, 1998.
Language: Spanish

This work aims to raise the knowledge of the incidences of drug consume on some Roma, having in mind their specific characteristics and cultural references. The study pursues to open a space of reflection in this regard as well as to seeking for solutions.

Title: Training Course for mediators: Intercultural mediation and community health. (Curso de Formación de mediadores: Mediación intercultural y salud comunitaria). Madrid, 29 - 30 November, 1 December 1999.
Language: Spanish

Title: Uncle Miguel Stories. (Las historias del tío Miguel)
Source: Asociación Secretariado General Gitano, 1998.
Language: Spanish

Video which supports the work on drug prevention with Roma, more specifically with Roma youth.

Title: Act with Roma Community. Guidelines to work on drug dependencies from social services. (Actuar con la comunidad gitana. Orientación para la prevención en drogodependencias desde los servicios asistenciales).
Language: Spanish

This document is addressed to professionals who work on specific services for drug dependants. It aims to become a tool which eases the awareness about Roma community and to better understand the intervention in this field.

Author: Arbex, C. and Arranz, J. il / Workshops
Title: If you worry about drugs … this guide may be of interest: Guide for Roma parents and mediators. (Si te preocupan las drogas … Esta guía te puede interesar. Guía para padres gitanos y mediadores).
Source: Asociación Secretariado General Gitano, Madrid, 1996.
Language: Spanish, English, Romanian, Czech, Bulgarian, Slovak.

Through this guide we want parents to become familiar with those aspects we know about drugs. It is important they are informed if we want to act and do something about it, to help our children or our community. This book can be a good start.

Author: Arbex, C. and Arranz, J. il/. Workshops.
Title: If you worry about drugs … this guide may be of interest. Guide for mediators working with Roma youth. (Si te preocupan las drogas … Esta guía te puede interesar. Guía para mediadores en el trabajo con jóvenes gitanos.
Source: Asociación Secretariado General Gitano, 1996.
Language: Spanish, English, Romanian, Czech, Bulgarian, Slovak.

Author: Insua, H.
Title: Drug dependencies treatment in Roma patients; socioeconomic and cultural factors. (Tratamientos en drogodependencias con pacientes gitanos, los factores socioeconómicos y culturales que inciden en los mismos)
Language: Spanish

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Rómovia na Slovensku a v Európe - Roma people in Slovakia and Europe
Source: Slovak National Library (
Language: Slovak

Magazine documents from international conference in Smolenice, Slovakia, 6.may 1994 oriented on human rights, sociology and entology

Author: Kusin, Vasko
Title: Enviromentálne vzdelávanie v procese socilalizácie rómskeho etnika - Environmental education in process of socialisation of the Roma entice
Source: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre - University of Konštantín Filozof in Nitra (, 1997
Language: Slovak

Study text for students of Roma Department about socialisation and environmental education in Roma -community

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Súcasný stav a perspektívy riešenia rómskej problematiky na Slovensku - Actual situation and perspectives of solution of the Roma problematic on Slovakia
Source: Slovenské národné stredisko pre ludské práva, 1999
Slovak National Centrum for Human Rights (
Language: Slovak

Human rights problematic

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Integrácia Rómov na Slovensku - Integration of the Roma in Slovakia
Source: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave - University of st. Cyril a Metod in Trnava (, 2000
Language: Slovak

Author: Collective of authors
Title: "Práva menšín : Rómovia - problém alebo výzva?" - "Minority rights: the Roma - problem or challenge?"
Language: Slovak

Magazine from international conference in Bratislava, 25. -29. 10. 2000

Author: Radicová, Iveta
Title: Hic Sunt Romales
Source: Centrum pre analýzu sociálnej politiky - Centrum pre analýzu sociálnej politiky
Centrum for analysis of social policy (, 2001
Language: Slovak

Deeply analysis of demography and social keys in Roma community

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Chudoba Rómov a sociálna starostlivost o nich v Slovenskej republike - Poverty of the Roma and social welfare in Slovak Republic
Source: Centrum pre analýzu sociálnej politiky - Centrum for analysis of social policy (, 2002
Language: Slovak

Analysis of powerty and social help system in Slovakia

Author: Koptova, Anna
Title: Pravda o Rómoch? - True about the Roma?
Source: Foudation of Good Roma´s víla Kesaj (, 2001
Language: Slovak

Author: Polákova, Eva
Title: Štúdie na tému etika a rómska problematika - Study on topic ethic and Roma´s problematic
Source: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre - University of Konštantín Filozof in Nitra (, 2002
Language: Slovak

Study text about human rights and ethic

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Rómovia - Vzdelávanie - Tretí sector ; The Roma - Education -NGO
Source: Centrum pre riešenie konfliktov - Partners for democratic Change Slovakia (, published by Bratislava, Centrum pre riešenie konfliktov, 2001
Language: Slovak

Programs and strategies for Roma community

Author: Nadácia InfoRoma Bratislava, slovensko
Title: INFO: ROMA - adresár 2001; INFO ROMA - directory 2001
Source: InforRoma (
Language: Slovak

Directory of NGO working with Roma community

Author: Lenczová, Mária
Title: Slovensko: Projekty pre Rómov: zistenia, odporúcania a príklady: 1993 - 2000
Slovakia: Projects for the Roma: finding, recommendations and examples: 1993- 2000
Source: Bratislava, Grafiq, 2002
Language: Slovak

Key document about projects and good practise

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Prírucka pre obyvatelov stratených území: manual pre všetkých, ktorí sa venujú komunitnému rozvoju - Manual for citizens from loosing areas: manual for everyone who is interesting about community developing
Source: Nadácia Milana Šimecku - Foundation of Milan Šimecka, (, 2003
Language: Slovak

Key document about projects and good practise

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Cacipen pal o Roma
Source: Inštitút pre verejné otázky - Institute for public affairs (, 2003
Language: English

Global report on Roma in Slovakia

Author: Collective of authors
Title: Co sa osvedcilo? - What´s proved?
Source: Centrum pre riešenie konfliktov - Partners for democratic Change Slovakia (, Bratislava, Centrum pre riešenie konfliktov, 2003
Language: Slovak

Review of Roma projects in central and east Europe

Title: Concept of Roma integration (Koncepce romské integrace), 2004
Source: Resolution no XX, 16.6.2004
Language: English

Title: Joint memorandum on social integration (Spolecne memorandum o socialnim zaclenovani), Prague 2004
Source: Government Resolution
Language: English

Title: National Minority Policy of the Czech Republic, Prague 2003
Source: Government Resolution
Language: English

Title: Report on situation of Roma Community in Czech republic (Zpráva o situaci romské komunity v Ceské republice a opatrení vlády napomáhající její integraci ve spolecnosti) Source: Government Resolution 686 from 29. 10. 1997
Language: English

Title: Frištenská Hana, Romské komunity v CR - sociální vyloucení?; Sborník prednášek ze XIV.konference Spolecnosti sociálních pracovníku Ceské republiky
Source: Ministerstvo práce a sociálních vecí; Praha; 2004
Language: Czech

Title: Gjuricová, J. (2000). Romové jako objekt státní politiky. Praha: MV CR.
Language: Czech

Title: Kalibová Kveta, Prognóza romské populace v CSFR do roku 2005; Demografie: revue pro výzkum populacního vývoje roc.32, c.3
Source: Federální statistický úrad; Praha; 1990
Language: Czech

Title: Kotýnková Marie, Rozsah a prubeh sociálního vyloucení v ceské spolecnosti; Sociální exkluze a nové trídy
Source: Sociální studia 5; Brno; 2000
Language: Czech

Title: Lejckova, P (2004). Roma and Drugs in Figures - the Czech Republic.
Source: Praha: Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (not published)

Title: Miklušíková Marta, Agnus Fraser, Strucné dejiny Romu v Cechách a na Slovensku; Cikáni
Source: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny; Praha; 1998
Language: Czech

Authors: Mravcík, V., Korcišová, B., Lejcková, P., Miovská, L., Škrdlantová, E., Petroš, O., Radimecký, J., Sklenár, V., Gajdošíková, H., Vopravil, J. (2004).
Title: Annual Report on Drug Situation 2003 - Czech Republic. Praha: Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.
Language: English

Authors: Pekárek Pavel, Kalibová Kveta, Frištenská Hana, Kaderábková J., Šotolová Eva, Title: Romové-reflexe problému: Soubor textu k romské problematice; Sofis; Praha; 1997
Language: Czech

Author: Precan Vilém,
Title: Charta 77 (1977-1989), Od morální k demokratické revoluci; Cs. stredisko nezávislé literatury
Source: Scheinfeld-Schwarzenberg a ARCHA- Bratislava;1990
Language: Czech

Title: Romové v Ceské republice (1945-1998)
Source: Socioklub; Praha; 1999
Language: Czech

Author: Sekyt Viktor
Title: Rizikové chování dospívajících a jejich prevence; 2. Odborný seminár; SZÚ; Free Teens Press; 2001
Language: Czech

Author:Šimíková, Ivana
Title: Dimenze a míra sociálního vyloucení príslušníku romské komunity v CR, Sociální práce 4/2003
Source: Asociace vzdelavatelu v sociální práci; Brno; 2003
Language: Czech

Authors: Šimíková Ivana, Navrátil Pavel, Winkler Jirí
Title: Hodnocení programu zamerených na snižování rizika sociálního vyloucení romské komunity
Source: VÚPSV Praha, výzkumné centrum Brno; 2003
Language: Czech

Author: Štechová Markéta
Title: Interetnické konflikty jako dusledek rasové nevraživosti
Source: Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci; Praha; 2001
Language: Czech

Authors: Štechová Markéta a kol.
Title: Romská minorita a postupy integrace: Záverecná zpráva z výzkumu
Source: Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci; Praha; 2002
Language: Czech

Authors: Vacek, J., Gabrhelík, R., Miovská, L. & Miovský, M.
Title: Analýza soucasného stavu a potreb v oblasti drogových služeb na území hl. m. Prahy urcených príslušníkum národnostních menšin a pristehovalcum. Zpráva z výzkumu. Tišnov: Sdružení SCAN. (not published), (2005).
Language: Czech

Author: Vrtbovská, P. - Larkin, T. (2003 - 2004).
Title: Romský vzájemný výzkum o užívání drog v romské komunite. (not published)
Language: Czech


Project Summary
Good Practices and Data Collection
Key Studies and Researches
