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Discrimination and the Roma Community 2014





Direct discrimination.

An Internet page lifted posters from one of the Fundación Secre-

tariado Gitano’s educational campaigns and manipulated them in an extremely offensive way as an insult to the

Roma community. The page can be found at:

These manipulated posters were first reported in 2012 by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano (state case nº 35

from the 2013 Discrimination and the Roma Community report) to the Secretariat of State for Telecommunica-

tions, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and to the Attorney General’s Office for possible transfer to

the Prosecutor for Computer Crime, the result being the dismissal of the proceedings.

After lodging our complaints the website in question,,

eliminated everything related to the

education campaign and we were grateful for that collaboration in removing material that incited hatred and

racism against the Roma community.

However, this is not the case with this other website which has posted practically the same previously reported


The Equality Department requested the removal of this material but we have not received any positive response.

Unfortunately, this is how these cases tend to go; first of all, it is very difficult to contact the discriminating par-

ty and secondly, we find that there are hardly any resources available to deal with these cases of discrimination

disseminated on the Internet.



The media.

Direct discrimination.

La Gazeta, an information and analysis newspaper belonging to

the Intereconomía press group, published an article entitled “The Freaky State” where it is asserted that money

spent on disseminating Roma culture was “money wasted” and made the point that this money comes from

taxpayers’ pockets. Following are some excerpts from the article:

“This huge number of free-loaders who live on the dole, together with our tremendously creative politicians,

inevitably leads to the creation of public agencies whose aims are absurd.

We have agencies involved in selling horse semen, spreading gypsy culture, defending the glass sector, pro-

moting gambling or admiring the Catalan landscape. Following is a just a small sampling of public companies

comprising a really freaky country. “



The media.

Direct discrimination.

In the reader comments section of the digital version of the of

the El País newspaper article entitled “750,000 ways to be a Gypsy,” we found a list of racist comments that

are an affront to the Roma community; comments perpetuating stereotypes and prejudices with no regard for

the truth. The following comments were made in response to an article giving a positive portrayal of the Roma

community highlighting its heterogeneous nature:

“The reality that I’ve witnessed is one of families that attack social workers and professional mediators,

that do not send their children to school, that are always involved in shady businesses (small-time drug

pushers, stealing copper ...), that pay no heed at all to “laws made by payos” and that harbour contempt

for and are aggressive towards others. I say congratulations to those who live like the rest of us, who

make their living in outdoor markets and by mobile trading and who seek to improve their standard of

living and educate their children.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more on that count, Pelayo. Three years ago, the Community of Madrid sent

several families of gypsies to live in my building and since then community life here has been absolutely

unbearable. They have no respect for anyone. The filth is indescribable. The community areas now look like

Beirut after a bombing. And they react aggressively when anyone tries to reason with them. What a great

job our government administrations are doing! All the neighbours who can go elsewhere, do, but those of us

who can’t, well we’re being treated with anti-anxiety drugs. And to add insult to injury, with our tax money!”