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Discrimination and the Roma Community 2014



Badajoz, Employment.

Direct discrimination.

The victim in this case, an Acceder enterprise mediator from

Don Benito, reported that when she visited the company “Ramán repair shop” the manager told her in

no uncertain terms that he wanted nothing to do with Gypsies in his business and then went on to make

derogatory remarks and did not let the mediator make her proposal.

He literally said that he wanted nothing

to do with Gypsies because of the bad impression they make on customers and because they bring their entire

families by the workplace and they’re never happy; I have sufficient work but I want nothing to do with them,

either as workers or trainees.

The enterprise mediator was insulted by the way she was treated.

She simply wanted to include that event in this report.




Direct discrimination.

On the first day of practical training in “Kitchen Basics”, one of

the kitchen workers called Vanessa was chatting with Manuel (the victim) and said: “I know that you’re a Gypsy

and you should know that I’m racist”. He felt intimidated and uncomfortable. He tried to continue the conver-

sation and understand the reasons she may have for saying something like this but they were not clear so he

focused on his work.

He immediately informed us of this situation and the fact that he felt very uncomfortable as a trainee there and

said that he did not know how to react if a similar incident occurred.

We visited the place and spoke with Manuel and Keyla (another student trainee who witnessed the incident).

They informed us that nothing further happened with Vanessa, only that she was very demanding of them (but

that did not appear to have anything to do with racism but rather seems to be the way she relates with the

people under her charge).

In order to take full advantage of the internship, and given that there were no further incidents, we encouraged

them to complete the training and make the most of the experience. We also warned them to inform the FSG if

any further incident took place so that we could take the necessary measures.

Through follow-up phone calls and visits, the trainees told us that Vanessa’s attitude had completely changed,

that she was very friendly with both of them and they felt much more comfortable.

When the internship was completed, we informed our contact person at the Hotel Río of what had happened.

This person informed the management of Hotel Río and spoke with Vanessa who acknowledged the incident

but explained that she had never referred to the Roma community but rather to the Romanian population. When

Manuel said: “but that’s racism,” she replied “well then, yes, I must be a racist.”

In any case, Vanessa apologised for creating a stressful and uncomfortable situation. She also pointed out that

she didn’t’ think it was a big deal. To her it was just another conversation; none of the trainees indicated that

they were bothered or that they found her comments offensive.




Direct Discrimination.

The victim went for a job interview for a position as an assistant

cook at the bar called La Santina. He was accompanied by his mother because the post had originally been offe-

red to her but she couldn’t accept it because she was busy. The interview took place in the kitchen of the bar

and Antonia’s mother noted that the majority of the workers were men and commented that this could make

Antonia uncomfortable given that she’s Roma. In any case, they continued showing interest in the job and the

employer told her she could begin that same afternoon (June 7th). However, later that day they called her and

told her she wasn’t needed for the time being and that if they needed her they would call. Antonia contacted

the bar some time later and they repeated the same thing: if they needed her they’d call.




Direct discrimination.

Academia 21 has an agreement with the FSG for electromecha-

nical training internships with various workshops in the Don Benito neighbourhood. When they told the manager

that the trainees were Roma students he refused to accept them saying that “we don’t want any Gypsies here.