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Cases of discrimination

4. Area of Equal treatment and


Ten years of work

Since 2003, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano’s Area

of Equal Treatment and non-discrimination has worked

to defend the equality of the Roma community as one

of the fundamental pillars of social inclusion. Our activi-

ty is based on the provisions of Directive 2000/43/EC

of 29 June 2000 on the implementation of the principle

of equal treatment between persons irrespective of ra-

cial or ethnic origin.

Specifically, we have addressed the fight on discrimina-

tion from different angles, especially lending assistance

and guidance to Roma suffering discrimination because

of their ethnic origin in all fields, employment, educa-

tion, housing, public and private services, the media and

Internet, etc.

We can boast many accomplishments over these ten

years of work: development of an identification and in-

tervention methodology for cases of racial or ethnic

discrimination, strategic defence of victims with posi-

tive results in some cases, making the everyday reality

of the rejection faced by the Roma community more

visible through our annual publication, the development

of training initiatives targeting key professionals, partic-

ipation in national and European networks implementing

actions that have political and social impact on enhanc-

ing the defence of equality, etc.

However, there is still much to be done bearing in mind

the discrimination and hate crimes that this minority is

subject to in Spain and the rest of Europe, the scant

number of complaints filed for acts of hatred and dis-

crimination, the persistent negative image of the Roma

Community sparking acute social rejection, the lack of

effective victim protection mechanisms and the almost

complete lack of legal enforcement by the courts. All of

this sheds light on the work lying ahead for all of those

involved in defending fundamental rights and equality in

which our government plays a crucial role.

The 1073 cases of discrimination collected by our De-

partment over the last ten years are just a small sample

of the reality of discrimination and the work done by

the FSG. Following is a breakdown of these cases:

A decade. Data from 2003-2013 broken down by area

From 2003 to 2013, the Equality Department of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has registered a total of 1073 cases

of discrimination. Following are the main areas:




Access to goods and services


Citizen security








Other (dignity and public spaces)


Media and the Internet