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In the 2014-2020 programming period,


extends the experience of combination

of funds of the key Operational Programmes for Roma inclusion in the 2007-2013

programming period to all relevant national OPs:

Human Resources Development OP,

Territorial and Settlement Development OP


Economic Development and Innovation OP.



both the

Legality OP

and the

Metropolitan Cities OP

are co-financed by ESF and

ERDF. For example, the

Metropolitan Cities OP

combines actions targeting Roma, Sinti



funded by ESF (services for social inclusion, including access to housing,

individual and group support and accompaniment as regards labour or education or

citizenship regularisation) and by ERDF (actions related to accommodation and renovation

of space services).

Within the


Human Resources OP

, actions targeting the most deprived marginalised

Roma communities will be implemented in a complementary manner under ESF Priority Axis

‘Socio-economic integration of marginalised Roma communities’ and ERDF Priority Axis

‘Technical facilities in municipalities with presence of marginalised Roma communities’.

Although the analysis of the funding sources focuses on the national OPs, it is worth

mentioning the case of the


regional OPs. In order to address the challenges faced

in the 2007-2013 programming period as regards the combination of funds between

the relevant OPs for Roma inclusion at regional and national level, in the 2014-2020

programming period all regional OPs foresee the combination of both ESF and ERDF.

While this option will give regional OPs an increased capacity and autonomy, a number of

challenges are already foreseen in the practical implementation of this option.


Complementing interventions from OPs (mostly single-fund) using the different


In this case, it also remains to be seen how it will be applied in practice

(e.g. through coordinated calls, multi-fund projects…).



, the investments in social and healthcare infrastructure envisaged under the


Regions in Growth OP

complement the activities related to the provision of social,

education and healthcare services under the ESF

Human Resources Development OP


the ESF

Science and Education for Smart Growth OP

. The combination between the



Growth OP

and the

Human Resources Development OP

will follow the approach of the

‘Integra’ pilot model implemented in the 2007-2013 programming period for integrated

interventions to support marginalised groups of society, including investments for social

housing. A similar model will be used for the measures for deinstitutionalisation. In the area

of education, the

Science and Education for Smart Growth OP

supports ‘soft measures’ for

institutions in the system of education and the

Regions in Growth OP

sites of educational
