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Using different funds to promote Roma inclusion


4.2. Funds used



Similarly to the 2007-2013 programming period, it appears that

Roma inclusion is

considered to a larger extent in ESF OPs than in ERDF OPs (single-fund).




, it seems that there is

an increased awareness about the importance of using

ESI Funds other than ESF, notably ERDF, for Roma inclusion

. In this regard, only a

limited number of countries (Austria, Belgium, Portugal and Sweden) opt for using

only ESF (sometimes in combination with other funds such as the Youth Employment

Initiative); the rest foresee the use of both ESF and ERDF. In some cases ERDF is

foreseen in single-fund OPs; in others in multi-fund OPs (mainly covering ESF and

ERDF interventions).



Several of the ERDF single-fund OPs pay particular attention to Roma inclusion

notably in those of countries that already had similar programmes in the 2007-2013

programming period. As it will be further developed later on, in some cases, these

OPs intervene in complementarity with ESF OPs relevant for Roma inclusion.



Regions in Growth OP

seeks to improve the living conditions of marginalised

groups, including Roma, which will benefit from interventions related to housing conditions,

health and social infrastructure, sport and cultural facilities and the modernisation of

educational infrastructure.



Competitiveness and Cohesion OP

foresees measures to improve the socio-

economic and living conditions in five pilot small towns selected based on a number of

objective criteria, one of them Roma minority issues. In addition, these pilots will serve to

design and test a new model to regenerate concentrated deprived socio-economic areas.

A significant number of the investments within the


Integrated Regional OP


socially excluded localities (mainly inhabited by Roma), which are identified on the basis of

the ‘Analysis of socially excluded localities in the Czech Republic’


elaborated by the Ministry

of Labour and Social Affairs.

Roma are also one of the target groups of the


Regional OP

and may benefit from

investments envisaged in the areas of health, social and educational infrastructure as well

as to support economic and social regeneration of deprived urban communities (using tools

such as the Community-led local development initiatives).
