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Fields of intervention


While particular attention is given to the

lower levels of education,

including early

childhood education, some countries also foresee actions targeting the

higher levels


compulsory and post-compulsory education).

Lifelong learning and adult literacy


however only considered by some OPs.

Both the


Competitive Central-Hungary OP

(ESF and ERDF) and the


Human Capital OP

(ESF) address tertiary education. The latest finances actions to increase

participation in university and non-university education organised within the accredited

higher education institutions, particularly for those students from vulnerable groups, with

emphasis on the Roma.



Social Inclusion and Social Economy OP

(ESF) also includes interventions related

to early school leaving and lifelong learning for youth who want to return to studies.



Science and Education for Smart Growth OP

(ESF) addresses the continuation

to upper secondary and higher education level as well as adult literacy. Two operations were

recently adopted. One of them aims to increase the number and percentage of the young

people from vulnerable groups, including representatives of ethnic minorities and other

groups unrepresented or presented on a small scale who are studying in secondary or higher

education schools.



Efficient Human Resources OP

(ESF) includes Roma as one of the target

groups of the specific objective ‘Improving adult education system and upgrading skills and

competences of adult learners’.

Within the


Social Inclusion and Employment OP

(ESF), the Programme

‘Choices’ aims to promote the social inclusion of children and young people aged between

6 and 24 from vulnerable socio-economic contexts, giving priority to the descendants of

immigrants and Roma communities. The programme, which is based on a bottom-up logic,

also considers as indirect participants, among others, the family members of participants,

teachers and other professionals.

In addition to the actions targeting Roma students,

interventions targeting other

stakeholders crucial for achieving academic success

are planned, although to a minor

extent. These include:



Actions targeting professionals in the academic field

, including awareness-raising

about the academic situation and needs of the Roma community and capacity-

building and training actions (e.g. Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Romania and
