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Fields of intervention


It is observed that in the adopted Operational Programmes

actions addressing the four

key areas identified by the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies

(employment, education, healthcare and housing) are incorporated.

Despite this positive

trend, similarly to the 2007-2013 programming period,




are prioritised. Healthcare and housing remain considered to a lesser extent, although


issues are acquiring increasing importance, with specific lines of support. The

area of


is however mainly included in general lines of support and considered

from a global approach (initiatives covering different areas).

In addition to interventions in these four key areas, actions are also proposed in other

less common areas such as the

fight against discrimination and negative stereotypes.

Actions related to

social inclusion/community-level social integration

(i.e. community-

centres, field social work, intercultural mediation, access to social services…) are also

quite common.

Finally, it is worth noting that particular attention is paid to the

less developed, in many

cases, segregated areas

(physical regeneration, housing...), mainly through interventions

addressed with/by of ERDF - combined in some cases with ESF actions- following a

territorial approach.

6.1. Employment


remains the most common area of support;

countries include it among the

fields of intervention, whether within specific or general lines of support.

Initiatives are

mainly addressed by ESF.

Despite the fact that there is a specific ESF

Thematic Objective related to employment, TO 8 (Promoting sustainable and quality

employment and supporting labour mobility), a large number of actions in this area are

planned in the context of TO 9 (Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any

discrimination), both under IP 9.2. and other IPs (notably IP 9.1.).

A wide range of interventions are foreseen.

The most common types of initiatives


the Roma population and seek to promote their access to the labour market and labour


Actions foreseen relate to outreach, information and counselling, capacity

building and training, acquisition of professional qualifications, apprenticeship and

internship programmes and support to find employment. Some countries (such as Italy or

Spain) foresee the use of

individual itineraries for labour inclusion

, adapted to the needs

of each person, rather than one-off measures.