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Fields of intervention


6.6. Combining actions from different fields of intervention

Except in certain cases in which complementarity between actions in the different fields of

intervention is foreseen, in general terms it is difficult to assess whether the interventions

planned will be implemented separately or in a complementary manner, following an

integrated approach. Complementarity is easier to identify in the territorial approaches

but it is also planned under other approaches (e.g. by planning interventions combining

the different fields or including elements that encourage this combination).



Knowledge, Education, Development OP

(ESF) foresees two contests to support

comprehensive actions to improve education and employment of the Roma community and

actions to eliminate the barriers to employment of the Roma and their integration with the

majority population.

Within the


Regional OP

(ERDF), for the implementation of the measures to support

healthcare and social infrastructure development and improve educational infrastructure,

additional points are awarded if the projects address different areas complementarily (e.g. a

social infrastructure project in the same area as a medical infrastructure project).



Social Inclusion and Social Economy OP

foresees the use of an integrated

approach addressing the needs of the Roma population in different areas (employment,

education, housing and social services) and combining actions focussing on the target

group and/or systems and structures (labour market, social policies, companies, etc.).

Within the framework of the OP, continuity is given to the national programmes ‘Acceder’

and ‘Promociona’ launched in the previous programming periods to improve the situation of

the Roma population in employment and education. In addition, a programme to promote

equal opportunities and socio-professional inclusion of Roma women, and to address the

multiple discrimination that they face will also be implemented at national level.