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Civil human rights organizations and the most representative unions sign a social pact against hate speech in Spain

Civil human rights organizations and the most representative unions sign a social pact against hate speech in Spain The Fundación Secretariado Gitano is among the signatory entities FSG 1 Equal treatment National level Wi ations that work for human rights and the most representative unions in Spain have signed a text agreed-upon in recent months that de fines a social pact against hate speech in the face of proliferation of this type of message in the public sphere. The signa ave transferred the text to the political parties to ensure that it is translated into a State Pact, since hate speech is the prelu de to hate crimes. According to the report on hate crimes from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, in 2021 hate crimes grew by

Published on 21-03-2023 by FSG


ECRI's 4th report on Spain highlights significant progress in the fight against discrimination

ECRI's 4th report on Spain highlights significant progress in the fight against discrimination 1 The European Commission ag tle="Haz clic para obtener traducciones alternativas">), an in de pen de nt body established in or de r to <span style="background-color: #fff;" title="Se han nombrado fiscales especializados en la protección contra delitos de odio y la ciber de lincuencia y se ha creado el Consejo para la Promoción de la Igualdad de Trato y la No Discriminación de las P

Published on 09-02-2011 by FSG


The new Spain Government´s Plan for tackling hate crime will include AntiGypsyism

The new Spain Government´s Plan for tackling hate crime will inclu de AntiGypsyism Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been involved in the de velopment of this Action Plan and has requested the inclusion of antigypsyism as a specific category of analysis dad y Lucha Contra la Discriminación 1 Equal treatment The new government´s plan of actions to de al with hate crime inclu de s training actions aimed at police forces and other key agents, and cooperation with civil society organi zations specialized in this type of crime. As of 2020, anti-Gypsyism will be inclu de d among the categories of victims of hate crimes. Fundación Secretariado Gitano and the fight against di l Law of Equality of Treatment and not Discrimination that is currently being de bated in Parliament. Plan de Acción contra los delitos de odio (PDF) delitos _ odio .pdf/d9954d6d-2c84-4e8e-9

Published on 17-01-2019 by FSG