Promotion of Roma Culture - Fundación Secretariado Gitano

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The richness of the Spanish culture is based on the contributions that different cultures and populations who inhabit and have inhabited. In this regard, there are significant traces that Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Roma cultures have left.

The Roma contribution to Spanish culture is widely known for its music: Flamenco. Acknowledged by UNESCO as World Heritage. However, the Spanish Roma contribution to culture is not only flamenco. The Spanish language is full of words that come from the Romanes, also literature, or sports have important contributions from Spanish Roma.

Therefore, the main objective of the FSG in the development of its culture promotion is to get the visibility and awareness of Roma culture. As well as improving the image of the Roma people, eliminating the stereotypes and prejudices that still persist over the Roma people.

Cartel conmemorativo de las celebraciones del 8 de abril
Cartel conmemorativo de las celebraciones del 8 de abril