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A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth

A survey conducted by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano warns that the fundamental right to education is not sufficiently guaranteed in the case of Roma youth Roma students in secondary education: a comparative survey FSG Educación trong>Roma students in secondary education: a comparative survey, compiled by the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in collaboration with UNICEF Spain, the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and the Ministry of Education, C EstudioSecundaria.pdf file:///usr/local/ RESUMEN EJECUTIVO EL ALUMNADO GITANO EN SECUNDARIA UN ESTUDIO COMPARADO Resumen ejecutivo EL ALUMNADO GITANO EN SECUNDARIA Un estudio comparado Catálogo de publ sterio: Catálogo general de publicaciones oficiales: Autoría: Fundación Secretariado Gitano Diseño metodológico, análisis: Centro de Estudios Económicos Tomillo (CEET) Trabajo de campo: Fundación Secretariado Gitano Financ

Published on 28-11-2013 by FSG


Inequality in education among Roma students has increased in the last decade in Spain

Inequality in education among Roma students has increased in the last decade in Spain The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents, coinciding with the back to school, the data from its latest study “Educational situation of Roma students in Spain̶ 1; and proposes recommendations addressed to public authorities. Fundación Secretariado Gitano 1 Education National level The educational levels of the Roma population are very far fro ment be implemented. On 5 September, in the context of back to school in Spain, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano , a leading NGO in the promotion and equal opportunities of the Roma people in Spain and in the European context, has presented its latest report on “The educational situation of Roma students in Spain” (soon available in Englis

Published on 05-09-2023 by FSG


The Promociona programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been able to respond to the educational inequality increased due to COVID-19 crisis

The Promociona programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has been able to respond to the educational inequality increased due to COVID-19 crisis 185 Roma students participating in Promociona obtain their school graduation in Compulsory Secondary Educa tion level (ESO). FSG Educación 1 Education Promociona is the programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano that aims to promote the school success of Roma youth and their continuity in their studies.During the 2019-20 academic year nts and 494 educational centres from 49 towns in Spain. Success at school of Roma students is possible Promociona is an educational orientation program for young Roma and their fa Covid-19 crisis (YouTube) El programa Promociona de la Fundación Secretariado Gitano ha continuado buscando el éxito académico del alumnado gitano durante esta crisis del coivd-19 | gitano (15.06.2020) La Fundación Secretariado Gitano seguimos acompañando al alumna

Published on 21-01-2021 by FSG


Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training and employment

Learning by Doing, an initiative which improves the lives of young Roma people through training and employment 55% of trainees have been hired and 87% of participants say it has improved their lives FSG 1 Employment National level Learning by Doing because I wanted to get tra ining and get a job”. This is the story of Miguel Lizarraga, a participant in the Fundación Secretariado Gitano ’s Learning by Doing programme. He is now part of the staff team at the local supermarket Alcampo. María Bruno proudly . La formación se desarrolla en un entorno laboral real, comprometiéndose la empresa colaboradora en el proceso de aprendizaje del alumnado . Informe Ejecutivo 2013-2021 / 7 Cualificación profesional y formación práctica en entornos laborales reales El conocimiento y la

Published on 04-05-2022 by FSG


The campaign " Dare to share their dreams" reflects on the prejudices that Roma students on the move suffer when attending schools in destination countries

The campaign " Dare to share their dreams" reflects on the prejudices that Roma students on the move suffer when attending schools in destination countries The Fundación Secretariado Gitano launches this campaign within the framework of the European projec > The partnership has been set between: Foundation Terre des Homnes Romania, Foundation Afeji France and Fundación Secretariado Gitano Spain, with the support of Foundation Terre des Hommes Hungary. This transnational platform will allow awareness-raising ac eam, video Your words affect me, video Thematic Units . Spanish, French and Romanian version. El estigma social, obstáculo para el alumnado gitano . Magisterio 10.02.2021 Spanish Article El estigma social, obstáculo para el alumnado gitano . 10.02.2021. Spani sh Article “ATRÉVETE A COMPARTIR SUS SUEÑOS”. GITANO S RNE (Radio Exterior). 20.02.2021

Published on 28-01-2021 by FSG


More than one hundred young people participate in the VIII National Meeting of Roma students of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano

More than one hundred young people participate in the VIII National Meeting of Roma students of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano During the Meeting, held from September 28 to October 1, the closing of the educational innovation pilot programme Promociona Digital took place. FSG 1 Education Innovación National level Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) has held its VIII National Meeting of Roma Students in Madrid, where more than one hundred young people from all over Spain data of Roma students increases: 88% of 4th year of compulsory secondary education students participating in Promociona have graduated and 93% continue with pos clear situation of inequality, according to the FSG study Educational Situation of Roma students in Spain, 2023. The results of the study

Published on 29-09-2023 by FSG


Educational success, access to employment and the fight against discrimination were the priorities for the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in 2023

Educational success, access to employment and the fight against discrimination were the priorities for the Fundación Secretariado Gitano in 2023 The Annual Report presented by FSG includes a summary of the impact of its work on the lives of nearly 38 000 p eople. FSG 1 Acción Institucional Communication National level Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) has presented its Annual Report 2023 in online format at htt ps://www. gitano (in Spanish) with a The publication and dissemination of the Study on the educational situation of Roma students in Spain highlighted the se

Published on 08-07-2024 by FSG


Fundación Secretariado Gitano receives a visit from the Spanish Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduy

Fundación Secretariado Gitano receives a visit from the Spanish Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduy Interested in learning about the work of Fundación Secretariado Gitano and the participants in its main employment, education and equality programmes Acción Institucional National level C/ Ahijones, s/n Madrid (Home Office) The Director General of Fundación Secretariado Gitano , Sara Giménez, and the Deputy Director General, Isidro Rodríguez, received the Minister for Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Ag Among the issues addressed was the educational situation of Roma students, where, according to the latest study on the educational situation

Published on 21-05-2024 by FSG


The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty"

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano presents a "Comparative study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty" FSG 1 Employment Social Inclusion The strong inequality Study on the situation of the Roma population in Spain in relation to employment and poverty 2018 that the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has presented today in Madrid. The presentation was held at a conference whose objective has been to unite the results and poverty and thus break the generational circle of poverty and social exclusion. With this Study, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano wants to make visible the socio-labour reality of the Roma population in Spain, its comparison with the Spanish population as a wh . The particularly vulnerable situation of Roma people must be taken into account, along with the key factors which 15 Estudio: El alumnado gitano en España. Un estudio comparado (Study: Roma school students in Spain. A comparative study). FSG 2013. 27 keep the Roma pop

Published on 24-09-2019 by FSG


24 Roma students from the Promociona+ programme take the EBAU [university entrance exams]

24 Roma students from the Promociona+ programme take the EBAU [university entrance exams] The number of Promociona+ students has grown exponentially, from 145 to 448 participants in four years FSG Educación 1 Education National leve tudents from 15 Spanish cities participating in the Promociona+ educational programme organised by Fundación Secretariado Gitano are taking the EBAU exams this month Successful results Promociona+ includes a number of high-impact initiatives aimed at rever leted higher education, while for the population as a whole this figure is 40% and 21%, respectively, according to study “El alumnado gitano en secundaria: un estudio comparado” [Roma students in secondary education: a comparative study]. Rom a students’ education has always been a priority for Fundación Secretariado Gitano , which focuses on the stages posing the greatest difficulties. We have offered guidance to students at these higher levels by prov

Published on 11-06-2021 by FSG


Council of Europe adopts recommendation to Member States to ensure equality for Roma and Traveller women and girls

Council of Europe adopts recommendation to Member States to ensure equality for Roma and Traveller women and girls FSG 1 Gender Equality and Romani Women Gender Equality and Romani Women International C/ Ahijones, s/n Madrid nabled and encouraged to contribute to guaranteeing equality for Roma and Traveller women and girls. Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) welcomes this recommendation with interest and hopes that it will be effective in the fight against the multiple discriminat prioritise education and housing as fundamental areas for progress towards equality. According to our recent study on the educational situation of

Published on 17-09-2024 by FSG