Work Integration Social Enterprises[editar]
As a result of this commitment, we have a nationwide network of companies that provide protected work environments and employment support processes so that people at risk of exclusion can acquire the professional competencies, social skills and work habits necessary to successfully enter the labour market.
A distinguishing feature of our WISE model is the integration of the intervention within broader employment pathways provided by the Acceder Programme. This integration allows our companies to take on people who have previously undergone employment guidance processes, skills training, technical training or work experience, as well as to have access to the programme's job intermediation with companies in order to facilitate their subsequent transition to the labour market.
We currently have 3 WISEs, located in the Asturias, Madrid and Navarre, as well as one sheltered employment project at national level.

VEDELAR is a WISE located in the region of Asturias and providing gardening, forestry, maintenance and environmental services, its raison d’être being commitment.

Nabut is a WISE in Navarre that provides cleaning, laundry, transport and comprehensive home services with the mission of offering quality services and at the same time generating opportunities for the inclusion of women and men with social and employment difficulties.
In addition to these activities, there is also a social eco-catering service that is carried out under the trade name "El Fogón Errante".

Uzipen is a WISE that provides auxiliary information, maintenance, cleaning and mediation services in Madrid. Uzipen's hallmark is its social and professional commitment.

- Ecotur Ecotur is a professional service of conference and tourism hostesses at national level that provides professional services for the organisation of all kinds of events. Ecotur is an important opportunity to make a little-known side of the Roma population visible, within a recognised working framework and linked to a positive image.